
21 This page is sponsored by: Dr and Mrs. Dzinomwa – in appreciation of the wonderful work done by the Kearsney Staff What a year it has been. Apar t from succeeding in the various competitions, the overall attitude adopted by the boys was one of pride and this in turn has made me proud to be a part of this awesome place we call home. Many amusing and exhausting experiences occurred during a year in which we managed to sustain our grip on the Veldman cup leader board. I hope the ‘blue ele’ manages to sustain this for many years to come. I would like to thank the boys of Finningley for ensuring that the year was made perfect for the matrics. and it would not have been possible without the suppor t of my matric brothers who have all contributed to the success of the house. My job was made easier by the help I received from Mr Morgan, Mr Lubbe, Mr Saville and ‘Numz’. Often recognition of your role is overlooked but the time you sacrifice away from your families to look after the house is much appreciated. My thanks must fur ther be extended to the cleaners who tirelessly clean up our mess day after day, and to the kitchen staff for the meals they provide. I wish Mpumi,Tyron, Bongi, James, Brandt, Simon and the matrics of 2012 all the best and hope that your final year in Finningley will be filled with success and great memories. No matter your form of leadership, understand that you are all leaders and seize every oppor tunity with open arms. Above all, lead the house to even better success next year. To Sean and Craig: congratulations on being appointed to lead the College. You both deserve these positions and I am confident of Kearsney’s success under your leadership. Mike Kennedy It has been an honour to have led the house this year HEAD OF HOUSE FINNINGLEY