
27 PEMBROKE The Pembroke boys are very for tunate to have such a magnificent house. My thanks to everyone involved in this mammoth project and for the sacrifices made over the 10 months it took to complete the project. From a staffing perspective it has once again been a very stable year and the addition of Kearsney’s own ‘eagle eye’, Dave Goldhawk, to the duty staff has cer tainly enriched the house. At the end of this year we bid farewell to Wayne Marsden who will be retiring from duty staff responsibilities. This is Wayne’s second ‘tour of duty’ and we are grateful for the years of loyal service that he has rendered. We are delighted that a former Pembrokian, Casey Morgan, will be assuming duties in 2012. My thanks and appreciation to all the prefects for their sterling effor ts this year, so ably lead by Charles Slabber t, and for acquitting themselves so well in their duties in the House. I could always rely on them to set the tone and lead by example. I know you will all miss my famous prefect meetings on a Monday evening! The seniors this year were a varied and diverse group and there were some very interesting personalities. My thanks go to all these chaps for their involvement, commitment and loyalty and I wish them all the very best. The house did not do as well as we would have wanted this year, but the boys never stopped trying and all credit goes to them for their perseverance and commitment. Things do tend to work in cycles so I can safely say that it won’t be long before Pembroke takes its rightful place at the top. My thanks and gratitude also go to the parents for their suppor t this year and also to the cleaning staff and maintenance staff under the management of Andrew Brether ton and Jenna Denbeigh for all that they do for the house. Lastly, my thanks go to all the boys in the house for their unique and happy attitudes. This is a special bunch of souls who push through the ups and downs and who are a constant source of joy in everything that is synonymous with youth. God bless you all. Neil Peacock Pembroke At last, after 10 months of rubble and dust, the boys of Pembroke took possession of a splendid refurbished house that has become the envy of the other houses. My thanks and gratitude also go to the parents for their suppor t this year This page is sponsored by: Calvin Landsberg and family