
1 CONTENTS 2 THE YEAR IN REVIEW Inc luding messages f rom the Headmaster, Cha i rman of the Board and the respect i ve houses . Al so meet the Tr ustess of the Kear sney Development Fund. 44 FOUNDATION News and act i v i t ies f rom the Foundat ion of f i ce . 50 KCOB Inc luding a message f rom pres ident of the Old Boys , t r ibutes to Old Boys who have died and news f rom the var ious br anches . 58 SPIRITUALITY Rev Theboho Er asmus repor ts on spi r i tua l i ty and fel lowship at the Col lege . 63 ACADEMIC REVIEW Inc luding the remar kable 2011 IEB NSC resul ts as wel l as spec i f i c deta i l s f rom each of the academi c depar tments . 90 THE ARTS AT KEARSNEY A colour ful and comprehens i ve depi ct ion of the per forming and v i sua l ar ts . 100 CLUBS A deta i led repor t of the myr i ad c lubs and soc iet ies that enr i ch l i fe at the Col lege . 114 SPORT Ref lect ing on the outstanding spor t ing achievements of the year. 182 THE CLASS OF 2011 A farewel l t r ibute to the mat r i c group leav ing the hi l l , inc luding a f ina l message f rom the headboy.