
29 PEMBROKE The 2011 Pembroke boys had the privilege of being the first to enjoy the newly renovated House. When the renovations were finally over it was great to have the full quota once again under the same roof. Along with the new house came a list of new traditions created by the Pembroke matrics to replace those made redundant by the new house. It has come as no surprise that the marketing depar tment have also taken full advantage of the renovations and it has become the new ‘hotel’ for visiting boys on spor ting tours. In the inter-house events we did not do as well as we had hoped but never-the-less the boys’ spirit in the house remained unchanged and the brotherhood grew stronger. Congratulations to all the seniors for doing extremely well in the rugby, soccer and hockey events. A special thank you must be extended to the duty masters: Mr Green, Mr Marsden and Mr Goldhawk for their time and dedication to Pembroke. Most of all a big thank you goes to Mr Peacock who has been a great example and mentor to all the prefects, matrics and the rest of the house and who is respected by all. To the prefects: congratulations and thank you for your hard work in building the house into a home. It has been a successful year and it could not have been done without your hard work and support. Congratulations to the newly elected prefect group. We trust that you will maintain the pride and spirit of the house and that you will ensure that the traditions are upheld. On behalf of the prefects I would like to thank all the Pembroke boys for making 2011 such a memorable year and I trust that you will come to love Pembroke more and more. Charles Slabbert HEAD OF HOUSE Thank you for your hard work in building the house into a home This page is sponsored by: Grant Litster (‘80), Dylan Litster (‘11) and Blake Litster (‘15)