
41 INTERNATIONAL Tours Washington, Boston and New York were the destination cities. of the inaugural EGD tour. Pairing up with the Drama boys provided the oppor tunity for the usually technical EGD boys to experience some fantastic cultural shows. InWashington we visited the Smithsonian Museums, where the Space museum was definitely a highlight from an engineering point of view. At the Hirshorn design museum, the boys engaged in a design project using Google Sketchup. The highlight of the trip was definitely the visit to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, where the boys were given a practical course on robotics and a tour of the mechanical projects museum. MIT is the ‘Mecca’ of the Engineering world and the boys were really inspired by this visit. In New York, we visited the Cooper-Hewitt design museum, where the boys were given a practical design demonstration. The practical nature of this tour made it a huge success and many boys returned with new-found direction for their careers. Dean Moodley The use of technology in design was a common factor throughout the tour and the boys flourished at these courses