
52 KCOB Front Team To Joy Mills-Hackmann, Karen Seals and Cindi Polzi, my sincere thanks for all you have done this past period. Your input, hard work and dedication are truly appreciated. In addition, I would like to thank Joy Mills-Hackmann for her role as Editor of the Greyhound News and the Greyhound eNews, these publications have grown and are an extremely impor tant aspect of the way we communicate with our fellow Old Boys. The reliable and regular communications has been a major contributor to the growth and strengthening of the KCOB over the last few years. KCOB builds a sense of community The community por tfolio ensures care and support for the Kearsney community. A dynamic virtual prayer circle surrounds people with feedback to this care circle with messages going to those celebrating life’s joys or dealing with challenges. The growing prayer group has under taken to pray for many Old Boys and their families that may be in need. It should also be noted that God has faithfully answered our prayers and we have had good reason to give thanks to God for healings and attending to our community members that have been in need. “Since the advent of the internet, the concept of community no longer has geographical limitations, as people can now vir tually gather in an online community and share common interests regardless of physical location. We have begun to use the internet to great advantage,” shares Roger Tedder who leads the forum. “This year has seen a heating up of our internet connections with people within our community. We have sent an excess of 150 personal wishes either via email or posting of cards of congratulations, on special birthdays, bir ths, marriages, and significant achievements. Included in this were unfor tunately some communiqués regarding condolences for bereavements.” We follow-up information received with appropriate communiqués to maintain our genuine concern for one another and to ensure a constant link with Kearsney College, which is a privilege to be a part of. Sample of activities Business networking led by Durban Branch Chair Ross Littlejohn The 2011 monthly networking breakfasts hosted guest speakers ranging from politicians, rugby players, CEO’s and movie producers ensuring a steady turn out. We star ted an initiative suppor ted by the Durban Old Boys and the Headmaster to ‘Sponsor aWhippet’ and two younger Old Boys are sponsored to our breakfasts in order that they may benefit from networking with the older KCOBs to ask questions they may have of the business world. KCOB Finances Healthy At the KCOB AGM in June 2011 the KCOBTreasurer David McLean repor ted that “Although most commentators advised that we were out of the 2008 / 2009 recession, I think for most of us, 2010 continued to be testing. Despite these prevailing circumstances and conditions, I believe we were well prepared for the continued vagrancies of the markets and we continued to apply fiscal and frugal discipline to our activities. Our preparedness stemmed from 2 direct strategies adopted by the Club EXCO.” We adopted and applied a prudent approach to our asset management process. This approach was to ensure the preservation of capital, to maximize income and to stay as liquid (in cash holding terms) as possible This strategy did work, and I am pleased to repor t that at 31 December 2010 FACTS BOX 4200 Greyhound Vol 9 posted 3400 KCOBs based in South Africa 620 KCOBs based abroad 600 All current boys receive Vol 9 250 Current and past staff 3540 Receiving monthly Greyhound eNews (Contact oldboys@ to register – open to all) 14 KCOB Branches 6 Local RSA 8 International 86 Number of 2010 KCOB events/functions Durban Networking Rugby World Cup breakfast and launch of the Silver Hounds