
60 Our hear t-felt gratitude is expressed to our leaders and everyone who was involved in the extension of the Chapel. To have our teachers as part of the services has warmed the hear ts of the boys as we share our fellowship as one body. CHAPLAIN’S PERIODS These have continued to be a place of robust debate as we reflect on spiritual, political, social, and economic issues. The question that all Kearsney boys have to answer is: what makes a Kearsney boy different? Could it have been God`s purpose that our forebears chose to be on top of Bothas Hill so as to fulfil what Jesus said: “…a city on a hill cannot be hidden”? Matthew 5:14 These periods are a place where the boys are empowered for the outside world, for them to maintain high moral standards and keep good ethical values. It is a challenge these days to find a suitable role-model for our children. We struggle to find selfless leaders who strive towards nation building. It was for this reason that we were privileged to have time to reflect on the values and convictions of our own South African icon Nelson Mandela, and his servant-leadership qualities. It is time for all of us to heed his call for a non-racial society. We need to strive towards national unity and an end to all forms of discrimination. Our future lies in understanding the importance of bridge-building and nation-building for the benefit of future generations. SCA The SCA is a place where boys grow in their personal journey with Christ. It is exciting to realise inclusivity as all grades are part of this spiritual movement. As we bid farewell to our leader Ross Owen, we also salute the committee members for their excellent leadership and commitment. It is within this body where we foster the boys who go into the senior houses to lead the fellowship groups with such passion. These groups bring souls to Christ and encourage the boys to anchor their souls in Jesus. Through the SCA, different guest speakers are invited to share God`s grace with us and this has had a tremendous impact on boys’ lives. We have also periodically combined services with other schools and enjoy these times of fellowship. I thank Sue Murray for her suppor t and passion in running the SCA. CONFIRMATION CLASSES We give thanks to the following servants of Christ for their assistance in leading our boys during the classes: Father Gary Thompson for leading the Anglicans, Mrs Ronni Wallace for guiding the Catholic boys and our Chaplain for leading the Methodists. We give glory to God for the boys who have confirmed their spiritual lives: Anglicans – Joshua Attenborough, Joshua Bean, Daniel Blignaut, Dean Currie, Gregory Keal, James Stapelberg and Mark van der Riet. Methodists – James Kirsten, David Clarke, Damian Rhodes, Bongi Mthembu, Foluso Obisanya and Thomas Hudson. Our Chapel services continue to be a place of healing and transformation