
5 THE YEAR IN REVIEW where we prayed for Luke and his family. Later that night, gathered in a circle on the Stott we experienced that togetherness, “that dense mesh of connections that invade every crevice and cranny of human life” as we wept for the loss of one of our own. I would like to pay tribute to the sixth formers as a group. Thank you to the prefects, led by Murray McDougall and Dom Koenig – two superb young men, uncomplicated, down-to-ear th, honest, men of honour – and the heads of the four senior houses and Haley.You have been outstanding in your leadership and management.The captains of all teams are acknowledged for the effor t they put into leading their sides. Those boys who took leadership positions in the choir, orchestra and in the myriad clubs and societies, we appreciate what you have done. To the boys who slave away behind the scenes or on the spor ts fields in a suppor tive capacity, devoting hours of their time to assist the College in one or other role, thank you. I had the privilege of joining the group of staff and boys who in a 90th anniversary event rode by mountain bike from the old Kearsney Chapel outside Stanger to the Chapel here at Bothas Hill. I stopped off at the old Chapel and walked around to the cemetery where the graves of our founder, Sir Liege and his wife Lady Hulett lie side by side. His epitaph simply states “Born 17th May 1838. Died 15th June 1928. Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.” Thank you all and God bless you. Elwyn van den Aardweg HEADM STER’S Report