
69 ACADEMIC Review It is a valuable subject to those boys who want to have general knowledge of what takes place in the business world. Tasks include working through a simulation exercise of running a business as well as drawing up a business plan. The grade 10s went on a field trip to the Drakensberg which included studying the importance of the location of a business.We also looked at the various roles that people play in businesses, such as being team-players and behaving professionally. To end off the year we looked at some of the functions of a business and then went on excursions to Hirsch’s in Hillcrest to see how things were done practically in a business. Next year sees an even bigger group of boys taking the subject and I am sure that it will continue to grow in the future. Wayne Marsden Business Studies This year saw continued growth. caption for Above The year began with a number of homesick grade 8 boys needing help with the transition from primary school to the College. However, they were soon on their feet and running. The grade 12’s were generally very proactive with regard to booking career counselling appointments and getting their ter tiary applications submitted timeously. I am very proud of the number of boys who received early offers from prestigious universities. The issues that dominated counselling sessions this year centred on alcohol use and misuse, relationships with parents and sexuality. What stood out in my discussions with boys is the need for parents to persistently work on their relationship with their sons and most importantly to guard and prioritise their relationship with their spouse. Boys crave a happy, secure family in which to belong. Without this, they search for somewhere to belong and this search is what often leads them into trouble. The Counselling depar tment is responsible for the administration of exam concession applications and for ensuring that boys who are eligible for assistance receive it during their examinations in May and November. A number of psychologists in private practice consulted on our premises in 2011 when in-depth psychoeducational assessments or long-term therapy were required. I am indebted to our wonderful academic staff who work tirelessly to develop each boy to their full potential and who are always ready to walk alongside a boy in need. Kearsney is a caring and compassionate school and I remain committed to the promotion of this ethos. Wendy O’Connor The Counselling department I’ve had another year of feeling extremely privileged to have walked the road of personal growth with many of our boys, parents and staff. This page is sponsored by: Embury Institute for Teachers Education, a Private Higher Education Institution for quality Teacher Education. email: Tel: 031 303 7390