
85 ACADEMIC Review IC Review An integral part of the librarian’s job will always be selection and promotion of stimulating reading material. Nowadays, however, teaching digital literacy skills is gaining increasing impor tance as knowledge explodes on our information highways. Teaching and learning are becoming far more stimulating as an abundance of audio visual resources are made available from reputable global websites. Many schools are now also harnessing social media to fur ther enhance the learning experience and to connect with pupils in more relevant ways. Special thanks must go to Jill Hood, Julie Botha and Kim Hills who have come in on a weekly basis for the last five years to assist us with covering and repairs to our book stock. Victoria Mare is an amazing woman who must be commended for doing the lion’s share of sor ting out and running this extremely busy centre. Paula Isaac Resource Centre The role of the media teacher has changed dramatically over the past few years. 24% obtained distinctions and 74% obtained A, B or C symbols. These statistics are significantly higher than IEB norms nationally. Special congratulations go to Joshua Perry, Philip Steenkamp and Rainer Steinhagen who were placed in the top 1% of IEB Science candidates in South Africa. We only had two boys with less than 50% and they both achieved 49%. This is very encouraging given that Science is a subject that is traditionally perceived as difficult. After the implementation of the FET curriculum in 2005 we saw a concerning decline in our Science numbers. The syllabus was overloaded with content, which required a huge work and time commitment from the boys, many of whom were not up to the challenge. For tunately sense has prevailed on all sides with cuts being made to our examinable syllabus, as well as to the extensive por tfolio requirements. Also, we have managed to plan in such a way as to minimise Science The matric group of 2010 is to be commended on a fine set of results: