Founded in 1921 Chronicle 2012
CONTENTS 3 THE YEAR IN REVIEW Inc luding messages f rom the Headmaster, Cha i rman of the Board and the respect i ve houses . Al so meet the Tr ustess of the Kear sney Development Fund and exper ience the inter nat iona l tour s . 49 FOUNDATION News and act i v i t ies f rom the Foundat ion of f i ce . 55 KCOB Inc luding a message f rom pres ident of the Old Boys , t r ibutes to Old Boys who have died and news f rom the var ious br anches . 64 SPIRITUALITY Rev Si f i so Khuzwayo repor ts on spi r i tua l i ty and fel lowship at the Col lege . 69 ACADEMIC REVIEW Inc luding the remar kable 2012 IEB NSC resul ts as wel l as spec i f i c deta i l s f rom each of the academi c depar tments . 96 THE ARTS AT KEARSNEY A colour ful and comprehens i ve depi ct ion of the per forming and v i sua l ar ts . 106 CLUBS A deta i led repor t of the many c lubs and soc iet ies that enr i ch l i fe at the Col lege . 116 SPORT Ref lect ing on the outstanding spor t ing achievements of the year. 186 THE CLASS OF 2012 A farewel l t r ibute to the mat r i c group leav ing the Hi l l , inc luding a f ina l message f rom the headboy.
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3 We have had problems to deal with and some weighty decisions to make and I thank them for their wisdom and professional input. Innovation, customer focus and a conscious effor t to maintain the highest standards have guided our decisions. We have two members of staff who leave us at the end of the year, both heads of their par ticular academic depar tments. Head of Mathematics for seven years,Trish Pike has plans to move her skills into a business venture in the city.Trish and her Maths depar tment have placed Kearsney on the map, culminating in last year’s matric results where every second boy who took Maths achieved a distinction. Zastra Conway-Nunn has occupied the position of head of Afrikaans for six and a half years during which she has raised the level of this language to such an extent that Kearsney was adjudged to be the top medium size school at the National Afrikaans Expo awards. Zastra will take up the position of head of Afrikaans at Hilton College in 2013. We thank both these women for their devoted service and wish them well in their new ventures. Thanks also goes to the parents society, Board and Trustees, the old boys executive and the matric parents for their assistance, advice and suppor t over the past year. I wish also to thank all the Heads and representatives from surrounding schools for gracing us with their presence today – it is greatly appreciated. This is the last formal occasion that my colleague and friend, the Rector of Michaelhouse Guy Pearson, will be visiting us. It is therefore appropriate to acknowledge him not only for the eleven years that he piloted the Michaelhouse ship but also for the significant contribution he has made within Kwa-Zulu Natal boys schools this period. He carries the distinction of being the only Michaelhouse Rector in history to produce a rugby Springbok and true to style he has doubled that to two this year. Guy, you are a great Headmaster and we wish you well as you and Marie move to Cape Town to head up Bishops from January. 2012 has been a significant year not only in the history of Kearsney College but also in the life of our country.This year we celebrate the class of 2012 who were the babies born in 1994. Can I take you back to 1994? That year, the country had experienced its first ever democratic elections, the ANC had been voted into power and that great icon and father of the nation, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela had been appointed the country’s first democratically elected President. Can you remember the roller-coaster of emotions, the rumours, the elation, the excitement and the anxieties? I would like to acknowledge the staff of the College for a year of extremely hard work in the administration, estates and academic departments of the College.The various management groups have provided platforms for healthy and robust debate and, I believe, sound decision-making. HEADMASTER’S Report This page is sponsored by: Botha Family
5 HEADMASTER’S Report In his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom, Mandela describes those moments: “This is one of the most important moments in the life of our country. I stand here before you filled with deep pride and joy – pride in the ordinary, humble people of this country. You have shown such a calm, patient determination to reclaim this country as your own, and now the joy that we can loudly proclaim from the rooftops – Free at last! Free at last! I stand before you humbled by your courage, with a heart full of love for all of you. I regard it as the highest honour to lead the ANC at this moment in our history. I am your servant…it is not the individuals that matter, but the collective. This is a time to heal the old wounds and build a new South Africa.” At Kearsney are parents and grandparents who were on all sides of the conflict. Their sons and grandsons are here, all Kearsney boys, all South Africans – bound, I believe, by the ideals so eloquently expressed by Nelson Mandela. With that as background, we have walked a journey of our own as a school this year. A group of thir ty Kearsney boys and their families and friends left for Nepal to hike in the Himalayas from Lukla (the most dangerous airpor t in the world) to Everest base camp at 5340meters above sea level. The Kearsney flag was raised with the Khumbu ice fall and glacier as a backdrop. What an achievement as a group of Kearsney families. In July, Messers Rogers and Peacock took a group of historians to the battlefields of Germany and France, witnessing the places where some of the most ferocious battles of the two WorldWars took place. At the same time our 1st XI cricket side was doing battle of a different sor t on the cricket ovals of England on a highly successful tour. Paradoxically, over the same period in June/July this year and thousands of kilometers away, our 65 man choir was par ticipating with six other international choirs from all over the world in the ‘rhythms of one world international choral festival’ commemorating the signing of the United Nations char ter in a celebration of world peace. In NewYork, the Kearsney choir sang in the Avery Fisher Hall – the home of the NewYork Philharmonic orchestra. In this grandiose 2600 seat auditorium the six choirs performed one after the other, culminating in the Kearsney boys taking to the stage. The strong rhythmic beat of the African drum and the energy, enthusiasm and vibrancy of the only multi-cultural group brought the audience to its feet and for the duration of their reper toire, there was clapping, joyous expressions of delight and dancing in the aisles. The evening concluded with a massed choir performance of Song of Peace sung by over 300 voices with par ticipation from over 2000 in the audience. I left the citadel of musical culture in Manhattan with an amazing belief in humanity and the desperate need for peace in the world. Days later that same song was sung by the massed choir in a performance in the general assembly hall of the United Nations.We were told that this occasion was the first time in the UNs’ history that the hall had been opened to a public performance. The next morning we par ticipated in worship at the world famous African American, Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem. This was the Sunday prior to the 4th of July Independence Day celebrations. After the boys sang the charismatic Shona spiritual known as Ichokwadi, the minister looked up to the gallery where the boys were seated. He directed what he had to say squarely at them. “During the days of apar theid this church suppor ted the struggle,” he said. “We had members of the struggle in this congregation addressing us from time to time. “ “Now, this week we will be celebrating independence in the USA. In this country we have been emancipated; we are celebrating our freedom. But you boys from South Africa have shown us what reconciliation really is.” InWashington the South African embassy arranged a concer t at the Lincoln Hall where we would par ticipate with the Imilonji Nkantu choir from Soweto. This adult choir performed many of the songs sung during the struggle. Some of our boys told me that they recognised the songs from the times they spent in the homes of their grandparents here in South Africa. It was a moving and professionally presented collection of African music. A Kearsney old boy came to me at interval and asked what had happened to his old school: “I sat in there, spell-bound by the choir and wondered why I never had the oppor tunity to go to school where all cultures were educated.” Mr Mandela continues in his recollections, “…from the moment the results were in and it was apparent that the ANC was to form the government, I saw my mission as one of preaching reconciliation, of binding the wounds of the country, of engendering trust and confidence. I reminded people again and again that the liberation struggle was not a battle against any one group or colour, but a fight against a system of repression. At every opportunity, I said all South Africans must now unite and join hands and say we are one country, one nation, one people, marching together into the future.” To the head boy, Sean Kelly and his deputy Craig Kirsten, their prefects, the students council, honour council, captains of clubs, cultural activities and spor ts and all the matric boys who, in one way or another, contributed to the success of this year, I thank you. You, the babies of 1994 and the class of 2012, have given us all hope for the future of our country. You are the ones who have in your youthful lives continued the spirit of Madiba and marched together into the future. We thank you boys for this and we wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Thank you and God bless you. Elwyn van den Aardweg You are the ones who have in your youthful lives continued the spirit of Madiba and marched together into the future
7 CHAIRMAN’S Report Willie’s expertise, particularly in matters legal, together with his collegiality and friendship were qualities that will benefit the College for years to come. AsWillie has resigned from the Board I will, in my capacity as Chairman of the Trustees, attend to all Board matters until a new Chairman is elected at the next Board meeting in November. Mrs Tina Siwendu left the Board earlier this year and we thank her for the valuable input she made during her tenure. During the year we welcomed Mr Robin LockhartRoss and Mr Andrew Parsons to the Board with Mr Rob Lloyd being appointed a Trustee of the College. We wish them many years of valuable and enjoyable participation and guidance to their respective bodies. One of my more pleasurable functions is to pay homage to and recognise the 25 years of service to the College by four outstanding educators: Mr Rod deVilliers, deputy headmaster and otherwise known as the bald Ibis; Mr Dave Goldhawk, senior housemaster and teacher of English and referred to by legions of boys as ‘golden eye’; Mr Dave Graves, Afrikaans teacher who goes under the pseudonym of Naas and Mr Rod Candotti, English teacher and also known as the Italian stallion. We congratulate these gentlemen on their individual and collective achievements over the years and thank them for the invaluable wisdom and example they have instilled into the thousands of boys who have passed through their hands over the past 25 years. Thank you. Rob Becker A few Governance announcements: in the absence of then Chairman Mr Andile Mazwai who relocated to France late last year, we were delighted that MrWillie Coetzee made himself available this year to fill the position of Chair for his twelfth and final year on the Board. One of my more pleasurable functions is to pay homage to and recognise the 25 years of service to the College by four outstanding educators
Kearsney Development Fund Registered Trust No: 2334/82 OBJECTIVE The Kearsney Development Fund was created in 1982 to take transfer of and manage the endowment fund of Kearsney College. The Trust (The Kearsney Development Fund) is a registered Non-Profit Organisation and any income that is awarded is applied towards education and development at the School. The key objective of the Kearsney Development Fund is to secure and grow the endowment funds of Kearsney College and to provide sustainable and growing financial suppor t to the College for the benefit of current and future generations. The investment strategy of the Kearsney Development Fund is to preserve and grow the underlying investments in real terms over time through the combined effor ts of the Trustees and an outsourced Investment Manager. TRUSTEES Trust Chairman: Peter Morgan has chaired the Kearsney Development Trust since 1999. Qualifications: B Comm CA (SA) Career: Peter joined the accounting practice of Compton & Horne in January 1975 where he completed his articles and qualified as a Chartered Accountant. He remained with this firm for 25 years (through a series of mergers it ultimately became Deloitte &Touche) serving as a partner for 17 years and heading up the Financial Services Group in his last 4 years. In 2001 he was part of a joint buyout of this division to form a new Company in the Nedbank stable known as BoE Trust (KZN) Limited. He acted as Managing Director/Regional Manager of this Company/Division until mid-2010. He currently acts as an independent Trustee and Financial Consultant. Kearsney: Peter attended Kearsney from 1966 to 1970 (Pembroke) together with his brothers, Doug (1966) and Tony (1968). His two sons, Greg (2001) and Chris (2003) also attended Kearsney. He served on the Board of Governors and was Chairman of the Finance Committee from 1999 to 2005. His late father, Don, was a founding Trustee of this Trust. Trustee: Rob Becker Qualification: BSc (QS) PrQS PMAQS Career: Rob joinedWalters & Simpson as a student quantity surveyor in 1969 and after qualifying as a Quantity Surveyor has remained with that practice (apart from a year or two acting as a ship broker) ever since. He was admitted as a partner in 1980 and is now a director of the reconstituted company MbathaWalters & Simpson. His two sons Anthony (1998) and Lloyd (2000) were lured out of Gillingham to form the first group of Sheffield boarders. Rob has been involved in a number of charitable and community based boards and committees over the years. Kearsney: Rob attended Kearsney from 1962 to 1963 (Gillingham). He served on the Kearsney Board of Governors for 12 years (1992-2004 )and was appointed as a Trustee of the Kearsney College Trust in 2003. He is the current Chairman of the Kearsney College Trustees. . Trustee:Ted Garner Qualification: CA (SA), MBA (Unisa), MSIA (Carnegie Mellon, USA) Career: After attaining his CA,Ted attended Carnegie Mellon University in the United States and Unisa, where he obtained Masters Degrees in Business. The early years of his career were spent owning and managing various small businesses. He then joined The Tongaat-Hulett Group in 1967 and was appointed Financial Director of the Group in 1978. In addition he was Executive Chairman of various Operating Divisions of the Group andVice-Chairman of Triangle Sugar Corporation, in Zimbabwe. During his tenure and under the auspices of the Group,Ted was a director of overseas operations in Luxembourg, Switzerland and London. Locally Ted served as a Director on the SBDC, CBM and NHT of SA. Since his retirement fromThe Tongaat-Hulett Group in 2000 Ted has focussed on business consultancy. Kearsney: He attended Kearsney from 1952 to 1953 (Finningley). He served on the Kearney Board of Governors for 12 years and the Board of the Kearsney College Trustees for twelve years. He chaired both Boards during his tenure. He is an Honorary Life Trustee of the Kearsney Trust. 8 DEVELOPMENT Fund
Trustee: David Pearse Career: David founded the Bay Union Financial Services Group in 1990 and remains the CEO of the Company. He represented Natal at both rugby and cricket. He is a keen adventurer and at the end of 2010, he achieved his goal of completing extreme foot races on all seven different continents Kearsney: Dave attended Kearsney from 1971 to 1974 (Finningley) together with his two brothers Peter (1977) and Mark (1982). He was a member of the Board from 2003 to 2007 and Chairman from 2005 to 2007. He was appointed as a Trustee of the College in 2010. Trustee: David Polkinghorne Qualification: B Comm; Rhodes scholar - Oxford University: BA (Hons); PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics); MA (Oxon) Career: David returned to Durban with his wife Jane in 1999, after a career with Standard Merchant Bank in Johannesburg and Cape Town, and is currently the MD of Grindrod Bank based in Durban. David is a director of a number of companies (including the Bank’s holding company, Grindrod Limited), is trustee of a number of charitable trusts, and is a member of Grindrod Bank’s Investment Committee. Kearsney: He attended Kearsney from 1978 to 1981 (Gillingham). David was Head Prefect and was an excellent academic and sportsman. His grandfather was one of the 13 Kearsney Founder students in 1921. David’s sons Murray (2011) and Rober t (2013) are 4th generation Kearsney students. David served on the Board of Governors and was chairman for three years (2008-2010). DEVELOPMENT Fund 9 This page sponsored by: Wherever Life should take you, keep your connection to Durban with a Spider Surf Board from SAFARI | Email: | 6 Milne Street, Durban.
10 HERITAGE Committtee The Kearsney heritage committee was formed in 2007 with the aim of recognising and preserving the College’s rich history. Under the able chairmanship of Dr Graeme Shuker,Trustee and past Chairman of the Board, the committee consists of both past and present staff members. Members of the committee were thrilled to welcome Guy Mitchell and John Drew into their ranks at the beginning of 2012. Various plaques were added to buildings on the heritage trail as well as the commissioning of a bench in memory of volunteer archivist Owen Clarkson who passed away in 2011. A lot of the work of the committee focused upon planning for the possible move of the heritage centre to a new permanent building at the end of 2013 as well as motivating for the naming of the roads on campus after past staff members who bridged the old and present Kearsney campuses. Dr Shuker and the members of the committee are thanked for giving so generously and tirelessly of their time to ensure that in going forward, the College is always mindful from whence it has come. Adam Rogers A lot of the work of the committee focused upon planning for the possible move of the heritage centre to a new permanent building at the end of 2013
Rev. Sifiso Khuzwayo arrived to don the mantle of chaplain, Dougan Macdonald to head the Life Sciences depar tment and Kerry-Jane Coleman to assume the role of school counsellor. Vicky Todd joined the foundation office and Charmaine Dowdall was appointed as assistant in the Mathematics depar tment to replace Shannon Burgess and Cindi Polzi who transferred to the marketing department. During the course of the year we bade farewell to marketing assistant Nompumelelo Mbanjwa who left to take up a position at Liberty Life and to school counsellor,Wendy O’ Connor, who decided to go into private practice after over ten years of compassionate service to the boys of the College. At the end of the year, spor ts coordinator and loyal Gillingham old boy, Cameron Buys, departed for the corporate world and student intern and passionate Pembroke old boy, Casey Morgan, left to join the staff of SACS in Cape Town. Road Runner and Rotatrim’s consumer of the year,Trish Pike retired as head of the Maths depar tment after seven years of outstanding service. For tunately, she has been persuaded to return in a part-time capacity with a reduced photostat budget next year! Lastly, after over six years of dedicated service, Sokkie Koningin and head of the Afrikaans department, Zastra Conway-Nunn, left to under take impor tant community service and missionary work at Hilton College. The estates department decided to clean up its act with the marriage of Jenna Denbeigh to Mike Jones and Andrew Brether ton to Zani deWet. And then, after an extended stay in the nor th, the stork returned to Kearsney in 2012 to deliver Thandolwethu to Sifiso and Samke Khuzwayo, Branna Karis to Stafford and Briony Green and Emilia Jane to Matthew and Genevieve Saville. Dave Goldhawk STAFF News 11 At the beginning of the year we welcomed five new members of staff to Kearsney.
12 ACADEMIC Staff This page is sponsored by: Mwangalawa Family ACADEMIC STAFF Back row: D MacDonald, J Rottcher, B Steyn, S Green, E Grundling, D Moodley, M Albers, R Candotti 5th row: D Graves, D Goldhawk, A Rogers, M Saville, C Morgan, B Krüger, M Conradie, H van Ellewee 4th row: F Lubbe, W Sudding, A van Zyl, B Ziegelmeier, G Mitchell, V Carlisle, W Marsden, G Moerdyk, J Drew 3rd row: P Isaac, M Zungu, F Cocks, Z Conway-Nunn, T Pike, J Robinson, K Smith, A Fripp, S Main, W Amos 2nd row: V Singh, T van den Aardweg, J Ostendorf, B Ndaba, S Murray, J Krüger, G Owen, G Pitcher, W Sokana, W O’Connor, R Wallace Front row: M Delport, N Peacock, Rev S Khuzwayo, A Willows, E van den Aardweg, P Kirsten, R de Villiers, A Morgan, B Thompson, M Botha Headmaster Mr E D van den Aardweg Senior deputy headmaster and Maths Mr P Kirsten Deputy headmaster, head of middle school and Biology Mr R de Villiers Deputy headmaster and Maths Mr A HWilllows HOD Accounting and i/c grade 9 Mr M Albers Geography Mr W Amos Housemaster Sheffield and Maths Mr C M Botha English Mr R Candotti HOD English Mr V Carlisle Maths Mr F P D Cocks HOD Computer Studies Mr M Conradie HOD Afrikaans Ms Z Conway-Nunn Housemaster Gillingham and EGD Mr M Delport Geography Mr J Drew Director of culture and Business Studies Mrs A Fripp Senior housemaster and English Mr D Goldhawk Afrikaans Mr D Graves Maths Mr S Green Maths Mr E Grundling i/c resource centre Mrs P Isaac Director of music performance Mr B Krüger HOD Music Mrs J Krüger Chaplain Rev S Khuzwayo i/c high performance programme and Maths Mr F Lubbe HOD Life Sciences Mr D MacDonald Science Mr S Main HOD Business Studies Mr W Marsden KEARSNEY COLLEGE ACADEMIC STAFF
13 ADMINISTRATIVE Staff ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Back row: M Mbanjwa, V Dixon, S Burgess, J Denbeigh, C Buys, W Ngwane, V Mare, H Pearse, C Polzi Middle row: T Kistensamy, J Lankesar, S van der Merwe, T Pelzer, K Seals, S Dunnett, K Southwell, A Thompson, B Oakes Front row: R Sibiya, J Mills-Hackmann, A Bretherton, B Croudace, K Thompson, P Needham, R Carpenter, E Ngubane This page is sponsored by: Equifin, A Liberty Life Franchise | Call : 031 5634978 | Email: Science and i/c grade 10 Mr G Moerdyk HOD EGD and i/c dayboys Mr D Moodley Housemaster Finningley and English Mr A Morgan HOD Science Mrs S Murray HOD isiZulu Mr B Ndaba School councilor Mrs W O’Connor Maths Mrs G Owen Inclusion programme and academic support Ms J Ostendorf Housemaster Pembroke and History Mr N Peacock HOD Maths Mrs T Pike HODVisual Art Mrs G Pitcher HOD Geography and i/c student affairs Mr J Robinson Director of academics and HOD History Mr A Rogers HOD Life Orientation and i/c grade 12 Mr J Rottcher English Mr M Saville HOD Dramatic Art Mrs U Singh i/c physical education Mr K Smith Director of rugby and Accounting Mr B Steyn Housemaster Haley and Science Mr BThompson History, Geography andVisual Art Mrs T van den Aardweg Afrikaans and i/c grade 11 Mr H van Ellewee Afrikaans and i/c grade 8 Mr A F van Zyl English Mrs VWallace Music Mrs B Ziegelmeier Director of community outreach and isiZulu Mr F Zungu
14 COUNCIL Report This page is sponsored by: Patrick, Michael & Matthew Marshall KCC Back row: J Hayes-Hill, J Attenborough, P Gregory, J Brown Middle row: S Woodgate, S Tedder, J Gregory, T Hudson, T Harwood, L Masuku Front row: S Kelly (Headboy), S Bophela (Chairman), Mr J Robinson, R Butler (Vice Chairman), J de Bruin
15 COUNCIL Report The houses are represented on the council at all age levels and this makes for some interesting debates at the meetings held during the year. As the dayboy numbers have increased in the College the introduction of a second dayboy representative at junior level was inevitable. Apar t from the discussions held, the JSC was involved in grandparent’s day, taking future parents on tours around the campus for the marketing depar tment and doing duties at many of the choir performances. The JSC invited Mr Willows to attend one of their meetings to discuss leadership roles and qualities needed at the College in the future. The meeting was quite an eye opener for the members and there were many proposals put forward as to what might and might not happen when members reach matric. It will be interesting to see if these future leaders of the College will follow through on their word. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of both the Kearsney College council and the junior council for their eager service and the time they have dedicated to the College this year. The council is the voice of the boys and I hope that they will continue to use it to make Kearsney a better place. AWARDS The Tony Leon award for exemplary public service: Junior council Stephen Tedder The Tony Leon award for exemplary public service: Senior council Ross Butler Ross Butler The 2012 council met under the watchful eye of chairman, Sibaniso Bophela, to discuss matters pertaining to the routine and the well-being of the boys of the College. This page is sponsored by: The Mkhwanazi Family wishes to thank Kearsney College for their academic, cultural and sporting activities that have developed our sons Andile (KCOB 2010) and Ntando (KCOB 2012)
17 The boys of Haley 2012 will be remembered generally as a talented group full of bravado who crossed the threshold into their new home with courage. The bravado quickly dissipated into fear of the unknown and the many rules one had to learn in order to get by.The prefects and staff of Haley will remember them for their challenging demeanours and many questions. The ‘my bright future’ initiative, introduced by Rod de Villiers at the end of 2011, proved to be a great success enabling the boys to settle more quickly at the beginning of the year. Moulding young men from different spheres into proud Kearsney boys is no easy feat and it begins primarily with the prefect group. Ably led by Jono Deighton the prefects found the right mix of discipline and compassion. Ryan Holtes, Jaryd Chapman, Ntobeko Ngcobo and Simon Hudson were incredible in their tenacity to mould these young boys. Haley would not be the place it is without the remarkable staff who chose to serve in the house. Manzini Zungu andWayne Amos steadied the ship as always, and Guy Mitchell was always ready to catch out the naughty boys – perhaps he remembers well his own experience as a Haley boy in the not too distant past. It was with sad hear ts that we learned during the year that Wayne has decided to step down from duties in 2013. His compassion for the boys and the impeccable nature of how he carries out his duties will be sorely missed. On behalf of the many Haley boys who have learnt to do laundry under his tutelage, we salute you Mr Amos! To my wife and my children I am, as ever, grateful. 2012 saw the introduction of André Swanepoel’s invaluable repair and cleaning services. This has been a wonderful introduction and aided the smooth running of the house.Thanks must also go to Lindiwe and her cleaning ladies for always ensuring our living space is clean and tidy.You can imagine the mess that 82 boys are capable of generating on a daily basis – and these ladies always do it with a smile.They are incredible indeed. Many thanks also to the maintenance staff who have been on the ball this year. Finally, my hear tfelt thanks for their wonderful suppor t goes to the parents of Haley house.Your understanding with new regulations and the new environment has made 2012 that much more successful.To the boys of Haley, thank you for your vibrant personalities and constant smiles. Kearsney is lucky to have you and the class of 2016 promises to be an exciting year. Never compromise on mediocrity and become known as one of the legendary years of this fine college. Bruce Thompson On behalf of the many Haley boys who have learnt to do laundry under his tutelage, we salute you Mr Amos! HALEY This page is sponsored by: Green Science Technologies.
19 All Kearsney boys begin in Haley house; it is the starting point of our journey at the College. We learn the traditions and the code of brotherhood as we walk the ‘hallowed halls of Haley’. For many, as for me, it can be a difficult and trying time filled with anguish and the hear tache of missing home. However, where there is no struggle there is no strength and so it is in this year at Haley that young boys grow into young men. This year has been a successful one at Haley due to the many people who have been involved in the running of the house. To these inspirational people I would like to extend my thanks and sincere appreciation. I have had to be ‘dad’ to over 80 boys and I have relied heavily on many role-models. I especially look up to the fine father figure of the Headmaster who leads our school with such a good balance of compassion and discipline and who has been inspirational to me. Mr Thompson, the house master, has been inspirational in his dealing with both the prefects of Haley and the boys themselves. He is a wonderful example of how one can achieve by keeping a balance in one’s life. He teaches, coaches, runs the house and still manages to be a family man – no small task. On behalf of the Haley prefects of 2012, I would like to thank him for all his support and advice this year. I also wish to thank the Haley duty staff from each of whom we have learned something special. It would be remiss of me not to thank the cleaning and maintenance staff who bustle about behind the scenes creating a wonderful ‘home-away-from-home’ for us. To my fellow travellers, Jarred Chapman, Ryan Holtes, Simon Hudson and Strawberry Ncgobo, I thank you for an awesome year and for the privilege it has been working with each of you. Your love and passion for Kearsney has been inspirational to me and to the boys we were leading. I wish to congratulate the 2013 prefects and wish them the best for a successful and happy year ahead. I am sure that with the suppor t of each other you will continue to instill in new Kearsney boys all the passion, pride and perseverance that makes Kearsney Kearsney. And finally to the Haley boys: it has been a pleasure and an honour to have shared this year with you. In years to come I hope to meet you again and laugh together. I hope to stand amazed at your achievements and I hope that it is because we have helped to ignited in your hear ts a fire of pride and passion. Let me leave you all with this quirky piece of wisdom from Dr Seuss: “You have brains in your head You have feet in your shoes You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own, you know what you know And you are the only one who’ll decide where you’ll go.” Jono Deighton HEAD OF HOUSE In years to come I hope to meet you again and laugh together. I hope to stand amazed at your achievements HALEY
21 FINNINGLEY As Housemaster, I thoroughly enjoyed working with this year’s matric group and was most impressed by the nur turing, positive spirit that they seemed to instill in the house while at the same time, competing fiercely in the inter house competition and pursuing their own impressive individual passions. This year’s matric group, led by Head of House Mpumelelo Mhlongo and his deputies Bonginhlanhla Mthembu,Tyrone Swanepoel, James Lambert and Brandt Human, was an exceptional group who were largely responsible for the successes that Finningley experienced. After having won the Veldman Cup for the past four consecutive years, the boys turned very quickly to the task of retaining the trophy for a record breaking fifth year. It was heartening to see the passion with which the boys took to their roles in ensuring that Finningley won all three major trophies this year, namely the AH Smith for spor ts and culture, the Parkes for academics and the Veldman Cup for the overall inter house competition. Victories and accolades aside, the effective structures and discipline that ultimately establish the ethos of the house would not exist without the help of the dedicated duty staff who spend time with our boys on a weekly basis. I would like to thank Bongi Ndaba, Frank Lubbe and Matt Saville for all their effor ts over the past year, their help and support has been invaluable. The end of 2012 heralds the end of my term as housemaster of Finningley, a privilege that I have thoroughly enjoyed for the past six years. For me and my family to have been a part of these boys’ lives has been a wonderful experience and the highlight of my teaching career to date. I will always be exceptionally proud of my association with Finningley and look forward to mapping the progress of ‘my boys’ from a safer distance in the next few years. Vive le Bleu! Andy Morgan Another great year in the life of Finningley House! After having won the Veldman Cup for the past four consecutive years, the boys turned very quickly to the task of retaining the trophy for a record breaking fifth year
23 FINNINGLEY HEAD OF HOUSE 2012 in Finningley College, saw the house surpass many expectations. Of the many accolades Kearsney can bestow on a young man, without a doubt, being a Finningley boy is the crown jewel. The house proved to be a well-oiled machine, with the many different par ts all doing their job to maximum efficiency once again. The matrics were never shy to step to the front and push the house to success in the inter house competitions. And it was a very successful year for Finningley. After many tough battles we leave as record holders. It has been a privilege to be associated with these young men. It is perhaps safe to say that Finningley will continue to soar. But as we leave this house, many of us have realised that we never thought we would look back and, through all our laughter, cry. As we bid fair well to our housemaster, Mr Morgan, we reflect upon his success over the last seven years and we commended him on a job well done. We wish Mr Lubbe the best of luck as he takes over the winning house. He will be filling some very big shoes but, no doubt, will strive to surpass the great expectations of this great house. Mpumelelo Mhlongo After many tough battles we leave as record holders This page is sponsored by: F S Gonzalves Construction | PO Box 525 Port Shepstone, 4240 | Tel/Fax: 039 6821613 Cell: 0827712125
25 GILLINGHAM This year Gillingham did not set the interhouse competition alight with their domination, in fact we were often competing for last place, but those that par ticipated did so with enthusiasm and teamwork. The spirit in the house has been excellent and everyone involved with the different aspects of the house has helped to make this possible. Gillingham has become a nice place to live and work, even when times are hard it is good to see the spirit of brotherhood and unity that exists amongst the boys. There has been a concer ted effor t from the boys in the lower academic ranks to improve on their aggregates and positions; this positive effor t can be seen in the Parks trophy points where we have retained our second position. Much of the success of the house must be attributed to the leadership of Ryan Hawke and his deputies Nicholas Bates, Daniel Blignaut and Ruan Booyens. They have worked very hard behind the scenes to maintain the congenial atmosphere, while at no time compromising the need for discipline and fairness. Thutu Ndlovu and his deputies; Aiken Derkesen, Mark Taylor, Mitchell Wernich and Blair Cremer have a solid base from which to work in 2013 and we wish them every success next year. We have also been for tunate to have a dedicated and enthusiastic duty staff who have helped to run a tight ship: Matthew Conradie, Gareth Moerdyk and Cameron Buys. Their effor ts are greatly appreciated by the boys and me. We say goodbye at the end of the year to Cameron and I thank him for his contribution to the house and the enthusiasm with which he has performed his duties. We welcome Etienne Grundeling onto the Gillingham team next year and look forward to his making a positive contribution to the house. I would also like to thank my long suffering family for their love and suppor t during the course of the year ; they make my job so much easier. I wish the Gillingham matrics of 2012 all the best with their final examinations and with their lives away from the College. I know that they will only go from strength to strength building on the strong foundation that has been laid while they have been members of Gillingham. Myles Delport Another year has drawn to an end, the matrics of 2012 are preparing for their final examinations and the grade 9s, so fresh and new, become veterans of the senior house.
27 The year in Gillingham can best be described as one of success in its own right. The spirit of the boys and the passion for the house has been exemplary and nothing shor t of what is expected of a Gillingham boy. Our third place in the Veldman Cup isn’t a true reflection of the hard work and dedication that most of the boys and staff of Gillingham have put in this year. On that note, a big thank you on our behalves to Mr Delport, the duty masters and my fellow prefects who have put in tireless hours to make sure that the house runs correctly and productively. Good memories have been made in every sphere of the house. We had a solid performance in the classroom where we came second in the Parkes trophy and produced our second Dux Scholar in successive years. Our performances in the inter house music and plays festivals have been excellent and we can all look back on these events with great fondness. On the spor ts field we managed to produce spirited and satisfactory results. To my fellow matrics I wish to say that it has been an honour to have spent four memorable years with you in this house and it was a good year with which to close. I especially wish to encourage Thutu and the other prefects who are taking over in 2013 and say that I have great faith that you can take this house to greater heights and I know that you will always uphold the traditions of the red house. Upwards and onwards! Ryan Hawke HEAD OF HOUSE The spirit of the boys and the passion for the house has been exemplary and nothing shor t of what is expected of a Gillingham boy GILLINGHAM This page is sponsored by: Cairns Family
29 PEMBROKE Ably led by a very committed prefect body and a passionate group of matrics, Pembroke made great strides in improving their inter house standing. While we did not improve our overall results we were able to win more inter house events than the previous year. Our victories in the hockey, house plays and tug of war were richly deserved. The spirit displayed by the boys in the inter house gala was incredible and had a ‘spirit’ trophy been awarded on the day I have no doubt that we would have won it hands down! It was also very pleasing to witness a number of our matric boys achieve academic honours this year. A special accolade is reserved for Ryan Holtes, who was the wor thy shared recipient of the Dux Scholar award at our annual speech day. A fantastic achievement! Dean Seals proved to be an excellent head of house and led by example. He was ably assisted by the other prefects and they worked hard throughout the year to ensure that the high standards of discipline that Pembroke is renowned for, were met. I would like to thank all the prefects for their service this year. They had to juggle all their other commitments with their duties and responsibilities and they emerged with flying colours. My duty staff also deserve a huge thank you. They were committed throughout the year and did their duties superbly, often going beyond the call of duty on occasions. Casey Morgan joined our staff at the beginning of the year and soon made an impact. Friendly and approachable, a man of principle and demanding of high standards, he endeared himself to all the boys. He leaves at the end of the year to take up a full time teaching post in Cape Town and we thank him for his service to the house and wish him all the very best for the future. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking all the support staff for their tireless effor ts in the house. The cleaning staff, laundry staff, san sisters and maintenance staff all deserve our sincere thanks and appreciation. Andrew Brether ton and André Swanepoel are deserving of our sincere thanks and gratitude. Siyahola Njalo! Neil Peacock Another action packed year has flown by and as we take stock, we can all look back on what has been a successful year for the house. Ably led by a very committed prefect body and a passionate group of matrics This page is sponsored by: Nkanyezi Consulting (Pty) Ltd. Electrical and Control Engineers | Tel: (+27) 031 7657366 Email:
30 PEMBROKE This page is sponsored by: Francois van der Merwe
31 The Pembroke boys can be extremely proud of what we have achieved this year. The ‘green machine’ has been such a large part of our lives the past five years that it is difficult to say farewell. Although we didn’t do as well as we had hoped to in the inter house events, we were successful in more events this year, such as the inter-house music, the tug-ofwar and basketball. Pembroke also managed to produce the most rugby players for the school. I would like to take this oppor tunity to thank all the boys who put in endless hours of work for the betterment of the house. I would also like to thank the prefect body and the matrics for leading the house and setting such a great example. I would like to extend a special word of thanks to Mr Morgan, Mr Green and Mr Goldhawk for making sure that the house always ran smoothly.To Mr Peacock, on behalf of all boys of Pembroke, we thank you for all the effor t you put into the house to ensure that it is in fact a home away from home. I wish the new prefects, and the Pembroke boys of 2013, all the best and trust that you will take the house to greater heights. Dean Seals HEAD OF HOUSE The ‘green machine’ has been such a large part of our lives the past 5 years that it is difficult to say farewell PEMBROKE This page is sponsored by: Stromnes family
33 SHEFFIELD Congratulations to all the boys for their contributions and par ticipation in the many inter house activities. Sheffield came second overall this year (one up from last year) and conceded the AH Smith to Finningley by a mere 9 points.We were not consistent enough and had mixed successes in the competition, winning some unexpected events but then sadly losing others.Winning the gala (for the first time ever) and the music (for the four th year in a row) were the highlights of the year.Winning the tennis and the squash (and beating Finningley into second place in both) also rank very highly in the year’s successes. A basketball win was unexpected and was testimony to a total team effor t. Our academic performance is still not up to scratch but there has been an improvement. We lost out to Gillingham but there were outstanding individual academic performances with Richard Sobey being awarded academic honours and Zain Bana and Travis Pears both achieving academic honours cum laude.There were also excellent achievements on the spor ting and cultural front with honours being awarded toTyler Smith (cricket), JeanLuc and Daniel du Preez (rugby), Josh Engelbrecht (music), Bili Ntuli was selected to the South African u/16 hockey squad and Dale Sandy was crowned Kearsney’s singles tennis champion. It was a year in which the matrics, with Jacques de Villiers at the helm and his deputies Julian Bowman, Greig Lockhar t-Ross,Travis Pears, Jason Valenti, led by example. Everyone made a contribution somewhere resulting in most seniors being awarded house colours.The senior of the year was awarded to Greig Lockhart-Ross, the junior of the year was awarded to David Brown (following in his brother Josh’s footsteps) and the house spirit shield went to Sibuniso Bophela. I would like to thank my duty staff Bernard Kruger, Huber t van Ellewee and Jason Rottcher for their suppor t and diligence during the year as well as the Sheffield tutors for their on-going guidance and encouragement of the boys. All of this is possible only by the grace of God.There are no extraordinary people, just ordinary people who do extraordinary things with what they have been given. Marco Botha 2012 has been another good year for Sheffield. This page is sponsored by: GOBA (Pty) Ltd. Consulting Engineers & Project Managers. “Creating Sustainable Solutions, Touching Every day Lives” | 25 Richeford Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga. 4319 | Tel: 031 5369400 | Faxsimile: 031 5369500 | Email:
34 This page is sponsored by: Antonizzi Trust SHEFFIELD
HEAD OF HOUSE SHEFFIELD 2012 cer tainly didn’t disappoint and witnessed Sheffield winning five inter house events. We eventually finished second overall in the Veldman Cup. It was a good year with a great group of boys who expected the best from themselves which ultimately brought out the best in others. Memorable wins included the gala, the music, the tennis, the squash and the basketball. Our academic performance also improved this year and with determination, Sheffield could reach even greater heights in the very near future. My thanks are extended to Mr Botha and the duty masters, Mr Krüger, Mr Rottcher and Mr van Ellewee for bestowing their trust in me and for giving up their valuable family time to ensure that everything in the house runs efficiently. To my fellow prefects: Julian Bowman, Jason Valenti, Greig Lockhar tRoss and Travis Pears I wish to say that Sheffield would not have had such success without you. Your co-operation and commitment set the tone for the rest of the house to follow. I also wish to extend a big thank you to the grade 12s for their suppor t and endless hours of involvement in organising teams. Your attitude had a profound effect on the rest of the boys and you epitomised the Sheffield motto ‘leadership with integrity’. As I look to the future, I would like to wish Vaughn Pears, his deputies and the matric class of 2013 well.You have our full suppor t and I’m sure you will continue to uphold the legacy of Sheffield. And finally to the boys of Sheffield: thank you for your contribution throughout the year. Sheffield is often referred to as the ‘hotel’, which is only par tially correct, and unlike many hotels where people come and go, once a boy sets foot in this special house, he never leaves. While we may no longer be in the house, our memories together and the legacy we helped to build will remain forever. Jacques de Villiers While we may no longer be in the house, our memories together and the legacy we helped to build will remain forever This page is sponsored by: Antonizzi Trust 35
The College defines ‘service’ as the duties we perform for the benefit of others, with no intention of personal gain. We have found that through this approach the boys of the College develop an inherent understanding of the values of ‘ubuntu’ – a sense of belonging. We have also found that by encouraging a culture of giving, we prepare the boys for a life outside the sheltered world of the hill while at the same time helping them develop a sense of pride in our country. Many of our projects are local and this too helps us to foster relationships with our local community. THE KEARSNEY STRIDERS MARATHON In the first week of the new year, on a miserably cold and wet early morning, 30 boys assisted with the running of the marathon. It is testament to their resilience that so many runners were appreciative of the marshaling and general assistance that the boys provided for this event. DONATION OF UNIFORMS Fifteen orphans from KwaNyuswa in the Valley of a Thousand Hills received full school uniforms. These uniforms were purchased by boys who have identified orphans in the area. These donations have helped to create a sense of human dignity and pride for the orphans. While the donations may look to be small they come from the hear t of our boys. ETHELBERT CHILDREN’S HOME The home is a place of safety and care for 65 children who have been removed from their parents because of intolerable situations of abuse or neglect. Operational since 1907, the home is not an orphanage. The majority of the children placed within its care have parents and the ultimate goal is to see the children happily reunited with their parents after extensive rehabilitation. The Kearsney community has provided remarkable suppor t by donating toiletries and raising funds from the collections at the end of year carol services at the College. A total of R16 000 was raised for the home. BLOOD DONATION Kearsney hosted four blood donation clinics this year.We are very for tunate to have had more than three hundred boys donate blood and we continue to encourage the boys to also register for stem cell donation. The College is concerned about making a meaningful response to the shor tage of blood in our country and the blood donation clinics extend to all of our community: garden workers, classroom cleaners, grounds men, teachers, admin staff and the boys. The simple gift of a blood donation is a gift of life for people in need. HILLCREST AIDS CENTRE The centre seeks to train, supervise and suppor t home-based carers. In this they assist families by providing emergency food, as well as longer term hor ticulture development in which the client is trained to keep an organic vegetable garden. It is in this area that boys of the College provide suppor t. While many of the boys find it distressing to be inside the units, they are very keen to help in the gardens: weeding, watering flowers, preparing flowers for selling. They even cleaned the roof of the centre and cleared the blocked drainage system. This page is sponsored by: Julian and Edwin Bunge 36 We answer the call to give service to those less fortunate than ourselves. Through this approach the boys of the College develop an inherent understanding of the values of ‘ubuntu’ – a sense of belonging SERVICE Report