
02 The year in review Including message from the Headmas ter and Col lege s taf f news 10 The Class of 2019 A tr ibute to the Matr ic group, including a message from the Headboy, academic awards , IEB resul t s , school prefec t s and the Kear sney Col lege Counci l 18 Looking back at the year in the Houses Repor t s from Housemas ter s and prefec t Heads of House 36 Academic repor ts Including academic tour s and repor t s from each depar tment 58 Spiritual ity Repor t s on spir i tual i ty and fel lowship 60 Outreach Repor t on the boys’ involvement in ser ving the communi ty 63 Cultural activities and clubs The Cul ture@Kear sney progr amme, cul tur al enr ichment and clubs and societ ies of fered 84 Spor t Ref lec t ing on the spor t ing ac t ivi t ies and achievement s of the year 180 Kearsney Foundation News and ini t iat ives from the Foundat ion Of f ice 186 Kearsney Col lege Parents' Society A repor t from the Chairman 187 Kearsney Col lege Old Boys Updates on the ac t ivi t ies of the Old Boys around the wor ld 192 In Memoriam Remember ing the Old Boys who have passed away in 2019 Contents Kearsney Chronicle 2019

2 Mr Chairman, the guest of honour, Mr Monde Nkosi, guests, staff, parents, Old Boys, boys of the College and the Sixth Form Class of 2019. Monde, what a joy it is to have you as our guest of honour today. We are so proud of you, and we look forward to your address later. Welcome to the Heads, members of Boards and representatives of schools who have honoured us with their presence today – thank you for trying, and taking the time, to attend today's ceremony. It is customary on this occasion to record those staff members who have left during the year, or who will leave by the end of the year. Thus far this year, two members of the Estates staff have left Kearsney viz Messers Albert Sibisi and Bashimane Ramushu. Two IT staff, Atish Raghubir and Clinton Brayley, have moved on to other opportunities and Sister Jo van Musschenbroek, who oversaw the Sanatorium for nearly nine years, has taken up a position near Edinburgh, Scotland. Each cog in the wheel that these employees have occupied is crucial to the running of the College, and while we acknowledge their contributions and thank them for their service, we wish them well in their future endeavours. I think Kearsney and I are indeed fortunate to have such a high calibre of staff fulfilling management roles in the College. Each one of my management is an expert in their field, fully identifying and aligning themselves with the mission and vision of the College and being prepared to innovate, bring about necessary changes and adapt to a fast-changing environment. These managers lead teams of committed employees, teachers, administration and estates staff who are prepared to go the extra mile for the College. I believe that the average turnover of teachers at independent schools is in the region of 16% per annum. At Kearsney, this figure is significantly less. To illustrate, at the end of this year, we have only one full-time member of staff who will be leaving and one part-timer. Mr and Mrs Perrett will be heading back to China to teach in an international school. Mr Perrett was an intern at the College and then employed to head the Life Orientation Department last year. Mrs Perrett taught junior English and Mandarin. We thank them and wish them well in this exciting new venture. We also draw on the support and expertise of many wonderful people who give freely of their time and expertise without remuneration to assist the College to attain the heights that it does. This culture of volunteerism is something we do not take for granted as Kearsney's strength lies mostly in the very people who give of themselves, their time and their expertise for the greater good. In this respect, we acknowledge the members of the Board, the knowledge they provide and the interest they have in the College under the calm and intelligent chairmanship of Mr Andrew Parsons. The Trustees, who occupy the apex of governance at the College are wisdom personified. Led by Old Boy Mr Rob Lloyd, they have been pillars of support. We thank Rob for his composed and considered chairmanship of the Trust over the past few years. The Development Fund was set up by the Old Boys in 1982 to assist primarily with bursary and scholarship funding and is chaired by Old Boy Mr Peter Morgan. They have expertly managed the investment of the Endowment Fund Trust through an investment company, growing it and thereby providing muchneeded funds to assist families to send their sons to Kearsney. The Parents’ Society, chaired by Dr Doug Beere, is thanked for its generosity of time and energy in support of myriad activities at the College. We also have a proactive and supportive Old Boys Club, which, under the chairmanship of Wray Radford, has been incredibly positive and willing to assist the College in numerous ways. We also pay tribute to all the donors who make it possible for Kearsney to host and facilitate functions and events and even for Kearsney to offer bursaries to boys who would otherwise be unable to attend the College. We thank the many donors of the College, some of whom are individual benefactors and others who represent a business or a trust. I see some are present with us in this hall today. Thank you most sincerely for your generosity, love and support. HEADMASTER’S SPEECH From Speech Day Headmaster's Report

3 A final thank you goes to my wife, Tracey, for her energy and enthusiasm for Kearsney, and her unwavering support of me in my role. Her hosting of functions at our home, ke Lapeng, and accompanying me on official duties, makes my job a lot easier and more pleasant. Nothing is ever too much, and she takes it all in her stride. The Headmaster of the Methodist school, Kingswood College, in England, Mr Gary Best, on celebrating that school’s 250th year of existence in 1998, said of his position as Headmaster, "I am not here to guard a museum but rather to cultivate a garden". He was referring to his duties as principal as not being primarily to maintain the status quo but rather to be the guardian of growth, regeneration, pruning where necessary and ultimately ensuring beauty and sustainability. I think the pupils of that school must have been relieved that the Wesleyan status quo in some respects wouldn't be perpetuated. Its founder, John Wesley, drafted the first general rule for the school which was, and I quote, "The children rise at four, winter and summer, and spend the time till five in private; partly in reading, partly in singing, partly in self-examination or meditation. At five, there was an act of worship together to start the day's activities: Lessons then occupied most of the day. When not being taught or attending worship or meals, Kingswood pupils were to "work according to their strength in the garden: and, on rainy days, in the house", unless they were involved in another approved activity. Industriousness was a sign of moral character: "without industry, we are neither fit for this world nor the world to come". Pupils at Kingswood were to have no holidays "for children may unlearn as much in one week as they have learned in several". Indeed, there was to be no time for play on any day for "he that plays when he is a child will play when he is a man". Two hundred and fifty years later, Gary Best emphasised that his duty, or a Principal's duty, cannot be to maintain the status quo (imagine running a school these days on strictly Wesleyan lines of 1748). We at Kearsney need to cultivate a garden with all the garden and gardening metaphors applied to a school that I am sure you can imagine. As we stand on the brink of the 2020s, I thought to mention a few of the many challenges that the garden, in this case, Kearsney College, has faced, and continues to grapple with into the 2020s. On the administration side, we implement measures to protect ourselves from cyber threats by continually enhancing our firewall through providers like Kaspersky to protect our data and digital records from being held to ransom or risking it to cyber fraud. Risk analysis is a common practice, as is reviewing insurance against such risks. Strategic financial sustainability, and the threat of declining numbers of potential applicants due to increasing emigration–which has been reported from all primary and prep schools within our living standards number, and which feed boys into our schools, has sharpened our marketing efforts. The low economic growth in the country over recent years is no cause for celebration. Yet, we at Kearsney are experiencing unprecedented demand for places at the College and for boarding in particular. Next year will see another record intake of Grade 8 boys into the College, and the number of boarders is at an all-time high. The statistics speak for themselves of a school in demand and a healthy climate within the boarding houses that is attractive to our customers. Further challenges have been in the unreliable supply of both power by Eskom and water from the municipality. Fortunately, the Board has been proactive to shield us from the detrimental effects that these disruptions could cause by the installation of a diesel generator and the commissioning of underground reservoirs holding standby water. These reservoirs can see us through a four-day municipal water cut, such as the one we experienced earlier this year over our Open Weekend. Our pursuit of following sound environmental policies in looking at alternate sources of power and in recycling continues. Within the classroom environment, the fourteen classrooms in the newly completed Centenary Centre are providing learning environments consistent with world standards, supporting 21st Century teaching methodologies of collaborative learning, discussion forums and individual internet research options. Much attention has been paid to the importance of sound and reverberation time in the classrooms with the installation of acoustic panels and other features to enhance the learning environment. Allan Gray Investment Management has supported the Entrepreneurship programme at the College, culminating with the Changemaker Day held earlier this term. We believe that key to addressing the ills of the South African economy is the development of the business sector and the encouragement of small business and entrepreneurship. Our boys need to develop an entrepreneurial mindset in identifying problems and working to address those positively and in so doing, providing benefit to both social and environmental elements of our country. We have introduced a course in robotics at the junior level and are preparing our boys for the demands of the fourth industrial revolution. ...the newly completed Centenary Centre are providing learning environments consistent with world standards, supporting 21st Century teaching methodologies Headmaster's Report

4 We are still learning about and are willing to rise to the challenge of assisting boys who, through no fault of their own, experience ill health, including mental health challenges. Suffice to say, this year these boys have shown tremendous resilience and have worked hard, together with their parents and teachers to catch up missed tuition and are thankfully able to be with us today in confident anticipation of their final examinations. There has been much success in our weight-loss programme where boys volunteer to be part of the programme overseen by our Wellness committee, driven by health professionals including a medical doctor, registered dietician, biokineticist and educational psychologist. We have noticed improved academic results, an improvement in self-concept and general wellness in young men on this programme who have learned how to self- manage their lifestyles. On the academic front, our inclusion and counselling support are about to move into a new venue, which will allow our boys with barriers to learning to receive instruction in bespoke learning environments and complete their examinations in the best possible conditions. Kearsney has made great strides in working towards being a more inclusive school. Our beautiful facilities are used annually by thousands of school children from all over the country, drawn from rural and urban environments, state and independent schools. The Foundation Department works with corporates, foundations, sponsors and Old Boys to raise funding, making it possible for boys who would otherwise not have been able to enjoy a Kearsney education, and who would not have had the opportunity of enriching the life of the College, to attend Kearsney. Many boys who will receive prizes today are the beneficiaries of this much-needed assistance. As Kearsney moves into the 2020s, we are picking up momentum to celebrate the College's Centenary in 2021. Centenary preparations are well underway, and you can familiarise yourself with the progress by checking the latest details on the Kearsney website. In preparation for the Centenary, this Grade 12 class has assisted us in the planting of well over 60 indigenous trees over their time at the College. Three years ago, an avenue of White Stinkwoods was planted on the east side of the Stott and today they stand roughly five meters tall. Earlier this year we planted a row of Cape Chestnuts on the eastern boundary of the AH Smith Oval. There is a Greek proverb that goes, "A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in." Now, I wouldn't entirely refer to the Grade 12s as old men but the lesson of planting trees that you as Kearsney boys would not sit under is the message I would like to emphasise. And this metaphor can be applied to the way you have led the College this year. Under the guidance of Headboy, Kade Mindry, and Deputy-head, Ezra Tsela, the Heads of Houses, their deputies, captains of sport, leaders of clubs and societies, in music and drama and senior mentors – you have all played your part and us as a school salute you. H Jackson Brown Jr is an American author, best known for his book Life's Little Instruction Book which was a New York Times best-seller. He once wrote, "Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get." I want to suggest that the Kearsney garden you Grade 12s have left reflects the care you gave us. Thank you for caring and thank you for leaving this garden in a better state than you found it. Our best wishes go to you, the Class of 2019, for your examinations and in your lives ahead. Thank you for your attention. God bless you. Mr Elwyn van den Aardweg Kearsney has made great strides in working towards being a more inclusive school. Our beautiful facilities are used annually by thousands of school children from all over the country, drawn from rural and urban environments, state and independent schools. Headmaster's Report

5 BOARD MEMBERS Chairman: Mr Andrew Parsons Mr Lucien d’Avice Mr Ian Bamber Mr Manuel Gouveia Dr Glen Hagemann Mr Michael Jackson Mr Andrew Kenny Rev Roger Scholtz Ex-officio members The Presiding Bishop: Rev. Ziphozihle Siwa (Representing the Methodist Church of SA) Bishop Natal Coastal District: Rev. Linda Mandindi Representative of Natal Coastal District of Methodist Church: Ms Ingrid van der Walt Chairman of the Trustees: Mr Rob Lloyd President of Kearsney College Old Boys: Mr Wray Radford KC Old Boys Representative: Mr Lawrence Polkinghorne Chairman of Kearsney Parents’ Society: Dr Douglas Beere TRUSTEES Chairman: Mr Rob Lloyd Rev Peter Crundwell Mr Peter Morgan Mr David Pearse Mr David Polkinghorne Mrs Karen Tocknell-Brown Ex-officio members The Presiding Bishop: Rev. Ziphozihle Siwa (Representing the Methodist Church of SA) Chairman of the Board: Mr A Parsons Commercial Director: Mrs C Mowat (Trust Secretary) HONORARY LIFE TRUSTEES Mr Ted Garner Mr Neil Gerber Dr Graeme Shuker Rev. Cyril Wilkins Headmaster's Report Deputy Headboy, Ezra Tsela, Headmaster, Mr Elwyn van den Aardweg and Headboy, Kade Mindry

6 Mr E van den Aardweg Headmaster Mr P Kirsten Senior Deputy Headmaster / Mathematics Mr A Willows Deputy Headmaster (Discipline)/ Head of Houses / Mathematics Mr F Q Zungu Deputy Headmaster / Student Affairs / isiZulu Mr M Albers HOD Accounting Mr B Alborough HOD Music (subject) Mr W Amos Geography Mr M Ancillotti HOD Mathematics Ms N Arndt Dayboy Coordinator / English Mr M Badenhorst Housemaster, Haley / Mathematics / Afrikaans Mr J Beaumont Housemaster, Finningley / MIC Discipline / English / History Mr C M Botha Mathematics / IT Rev. J Breytenbach Chaplain Mrs S Cairns HOD Afrikaans Mrs K-J Coleman School Counsellor / Life Orientation Mrs J Curtiss HOD English Mr M Delport EGD Mr K Deponselle Life Sciences Ms X Dai Mandarin Mr J Drew Geography Mrs R du Plessis Grade Head Grade 8 / HOD Mandarin / Mathematics Mrs C Elliot HOD Information Technology Mr T Els Afrikaans Mr K Eysele Life Sciences / Life Orientation / IT Ms A Fripp Director of Clubs and Culture / Business Studies Mrs V Govender Director of Academics / Mathematics Mr S Green Housemaster, Pembroke / Mathematics Mrs J Hicks HOD Visual Arts Mr E Grundling Grade Head Grade 10 / Mathematics Mrs S Hotz Mathematics (part time) Ms L Langa Drama / Visual Art / Design and Technology Mr M Lombard Director of Music Mr D Macdonald HOD Life Sciences Mr S Main Physical Sciences Mr W Marsden HOD Business Studies Mrs P Meyer Inclusion Programme/Academic Support Mr G Moerdyk Housemaster, Sheffield / Physical Sciences Mr D Moodley HOD EGD Mr A Morgan Grade Head Grade 11 / English Mrs S Murray HOD Physical Sciences Mr B Ndaba HOD isiZulu Ms G Owen Mathematics (part time) Mr N Peacock HOD History Mrs N Pearman English (part time) Staff ACADEMIC STAFF 6

Mrs A Perrett English / Mandarin (part time) Mr D Perrett HOD Life Orientation Mr A Prinsloo Housemaster, Gillingham / Maths Mr J Robinson HOD Geography Mr J Rottcher HOD Life Orientation Mr A Ryan English Mr M Saville English Ms U Singh HOD Dramatic Arts Mr B Steyn Director of Rugby / Accounting Mrs E Stockil-Smith Dramatic Arts / English Mr B Thompson Grade Head Gr 9 / Physical Sciences Mr G Thomson English Mrs T van den Aardweg Geography / History Mr H van Ellewee Afrikaans Mr N van Heerden Afrikaans Mr A van Zyl Grade Head Gr 12 / Afrikaans Mr J Waldburger History Mrs B Ziegelmeier Piano Studies / Accompanist ACADEMIC STAFF Back row: T Els, E Grundling, N van Heerden, A Ryan, A Morgan, N Peacock 5th row: K Eysele, J Orton, D Macdonald, M Delport, M Albers, J Waldburger, M Saville, H van Ellewee 4th row: W Amos, J Drew, W Marsden, A van Zyl, D Perrett, B Thompson, M Botha, K Deponselle, J Robinson, P Meyer, A Perrett, B Alborough 3rd row: J Wessels, S Murray, B Ziegelmeier, M Boote, D Main, M Lombard, C McEwen, M Ancillotti, G Thomson, S Mtshali, J Hicks, N Pearman, B Ndaba 2nd row: J Curtiss, U Singh, L Langa, C Elliott, T van den Aardweg, K-J Coleman, G Owen, S Hotz, N Arndt, M Simpson, R du Plessis, X Dai Front row: A Fripp, M Badenhorst, A Prinsloo, J Beaumont, M Zungu, P Kirsten, E van den Aardweg, A Willows, Rev. J Breytenbach, G Moerdyk, S Green, B Steyn, V Govender 7

8 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Back row: K Southwell, S Burgess, V Kunene, C Polzi, T Gowdy 3rd row: B Oakes, M May, T Khanyile, B Barnard, V Dixon, S Rogers, J George, T Pelzer 2nd row: T Kistensamy, J Lankesar, R Pillay, J van Musschenbroek, A Thompson, Z Msomi, G Serfontein, K Andrews, N Vikwa Front row: C Gaughran, C Brayley, P McCluskey, G Riceman, C Mowat, K Thompson, R Carpenter, H Pearse Mrs Kathy Andrews San Sister Mrs Bronwyn Barnard Knowledge Centre Manager Mr Clinton Brayley ICT Manager Mrs Shannon Burgess Admissions Officer Mr Robert Carpenter Marketing Director Mrs Val Dixon Resource Manager Mrs Cheryl Gaughran Shop Manager Mrs Jo-Ann George San Sister Mrs Taryn Gowdy Accountant Mr Thuthuka Khanyile Photocopy Clerk Mrs Tilly Kistensamy Science Lab Assistant Mr Vuma Kunene IT Assistant Mrs Jesmica Lankesar Financial Assistant Ms Michele May KCOB Secretary Mrs Pearl McCluskey Executive Secretary Mrs Catherine Mowat Commercial Director Mrs Zinhle Msomi Assistant Librarian Mr Tyrone Mynhardt Sports Administrator Ms Europa Ngubane Receptionist Ms Brigette Oakes Music Department Secretary Mrs Heather Pearse Communications Manager Mrs Thaloshney Pelzer Life Sciences Laboratory Assistant Mrs Ravitha Pillay Shop Assistant Mrs Cindi Polzi Marketing Assistant Mr Atish Raghubir IT Technician Mrs Ghislaine Riceman Foundation Director Mrs Sharon Rogers Shop Assistant Ms Giselle Serfontein Foundation Co-ordinator Mrs Karen Southwell Assistant Bursar Mrs Annette Thompson Debtors Control Mr Keith Thompson Director of Sport Mrs Joanne van Musschenbroek San Sister Ms Nhlahla Vikwa Sports Administrator / Estates Office Administrator ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF

9 ESTATES STAFF Back Row: N Mxabo, A Ngcobo, S Madondo, C Nzimande, S Shozi, Z Zondi Second Row: J Mzulweni, D Zikhali, A Magidla, I Bhengu, J Ndlovu, S Ngcobo, A Sibisi Front Row: R Pillay, S Dunnett, W Ngwane, M Wight, A Peter, K Seals, B Ramushu, S Mohan Mr Israel Bhengu Maintenance Team Mrs Sandy Dunnett Transport Manager Mr Simon Madondo Maintenance Team Mr Alfred Magidla Maintenance Team Mrs Sharon Mohan Functions Co-ordinator Mr Ntobeko Mxabo Maintenance Team Mr Joseph Mzulweni Maintenance Team Mr Johnson Ndlovu Maintenance Team Mr Aaron Ngcobo Maintenance Team Mr Sydney Ngcobo Driver Mr Wiseman Ngwane Driver Mr Christopher Nzimande Maintenance Team Mr Bashimani Ramushu Assistant Facilities Manager Mr Ayanda Peter Grounds and Gardens Supervisor Mr Ronnie Pillay Assistant Maintenance Supervisor Mrs Karen Seals Campus Co-ordinator Mr Sibonela Shozi Maintenance Team Mr Albert Sibisi Maintenance Team Ms Nhlahla Vikwa Estates Office Administrator Mr Malcolm Wight Facilities Manager Mr Doctor Zikhali Driver Mr Zeblon Zondi Maintenance Team ESTATES STAFF

10 CLASS OF 2019 Back row: Oliver Carmody (G), Levi Dry (P), Oliver Stewart (P), Sean Beith (G), Jack Hayes (G), Jack Savage (F), Andrew Voigts (P), Ethan Gourley (F), Dean Burrell (G), Pieter Steenkamp (P), Kade Tyack (F), Luke Franz (P), Loyiso Mabude (P), Brett Holing (S), Caleb Steinschaden (S), Chase Kelly (S), Jared Brien (G), Kyle Traill (P) Sixth row: Matt du Toit (F), Ryan Healy (P), Joseph McKenzie (P), Jordan Baker (F), Matthew Gieseler (P), Bruce Cook (S), Tyler Baxter (G), Kevyn Meyer (S), Storm Fitt (S), Zukile Habile (S), Gregory McConnell (F), Luke McClelland (S), Matthew Horn (P), Cameron Nel (P), Brent Gibson (P), David Jackson (F), Michael Horner (F), Dale Young (S) Fifth row: Luyanda Chiliza (P), Mayur Bisetty (G), Kevashen Iyer (S), Callum Hobden (F), Justin Walker (G), Aaron Holm (F), Justin Goldie (G), Ronan Farquharson (S), Tahir Budhai (S), Saffin van Straaten (F), Ezekiel Falkson (F), Azile Mkhize (S), Bongani Dindi (G), Hayden de Kock (G), David Hudson (F), Zibusiso Zulu (F), Bradley Taylor (F), Sakhiwo Tshabalala (S) Fourth row: Jordyn Scrooby (P), Luke Gibbon (G), Jordan Bamber (S), Luc Le Clézio (G), David Plotts (F), Brandon Ditchfield (G), Kyle-Michael de Beer (G), Olwethu Buthelezi (F), Mbasa Kulu (S), Bryce Crockart (S), Mbulelo Dlamini (G), Kyle Potter (F), Andrew Watt (G), Aiden Forte (F), Liam Breytenbach (S), Connor Griffiths (F), Jack Williams (G) Third row: M Gibbon (G), Alex Swanepoel (P), Matthew Rebelo (F), Liam de Kock (S), S’ fundo Hlongwa (S), Tré Donjeany (S), Ethan Boshi (G), Siya Tshabalala (P), Timothy Camp (P), Bradley Green (P), Trent Gooderson (P), Alex Correia (S), Thomas Painting (G), Mohale Mokoena (G), Nkanyiso Mkhize (P), Dillon Wimbush (P), Reid Stuart (G), Greg Cobbledick (P), Calum Gaughran (S) Second row: Alex Moon (F), Lloyd Whitfield (P), Christo Scheepers (P), J Chetty, Daniel Balance (G), Ethan Mills (S), Don Nhlengethwa (S), Kyriacos Panas (F), Dylan Thompson (F), Liyema Jacobs (P), Greg Barnett (G), Khayalethu Mhlongo (G), Steven Kriel (S), Joshua Barrett (G), Darian Grant (F), Mpendulo Dlamini (F), Ryder Bawden (S), Naledi Nyakale (G) Front row: Donovan Hurt (F), Dean Gibson (P), Matt Brimacombe (G), Oliver Kenny (P), Josh Muller (S), Cameron Ferguson (S), Connor Nilsen (G), Mr André van Zyl (Grade Head), Kade Mindry (P)(Headboy), Mr Elwyn van den Aardweg (Headmaster), Ezra Tsela (S)(Deputy Headboy), Carlo Miller (F), Neels Volschenk (P), Luke Wilson (F), Sizwe Sigasa (F), Matthew Smith (G), Thando Myeza (S) Absent: Aphiwe Buthelezi, Ketan Gopichand, Wandile Hlabisa, Regan Shen (House indicated in brackets: F–Finningley; G–Gillingham; P–Pembroke; S–Sheffield)

11 I stand here today looking out at a group of unique individuals, all with different pasts, different futures, different religions, and different beliefs. Although there are all these differences, there is one thing that unites us. One thing that makes us one school. One thing that makes us the same. Brotherhood. Good morning to the headmaster, Mr Nkosi, special guests, staff, and boys of the College. When young men of different backgrounds and beliefs who practice good faith in their fraternity values by following in their founder’s footsteps - this is brotherhood; when there is an understanding between one another and a feeling of friendship between people - this is brotherhood; when there is a fellowship, an alliance and a sense of trust that cannot be broken - this is brotherhood. At Kearsney, this sense of brotherhood is what has kept us going strong for 98 years and is the reason we will continue to grow and excel for the 98 years to come. This brotherhood is what has united us and is the reason that 2019 was no different from all the successful years before. We will soon end another chapter in the history book of Kearsney College; we will put a full stop at the end of the 2019 page in the chronicles of the College. But I can assure you that this full stop, does not mark the end, but only the beginning of what lies ahead for each boy who leaves. Over the course of this year, one question has come up very often when speaking to Old Boys, parents and even some teachers. Has it been a successful year? But how can a successful year be defined? Some could base success on sporting results. Some could base it on academic results. The problem with these physical attributes is that they will subside. It is almost impossible for an institution to be the best at everything year after year. If you decided to base success on these physical attributes, then no matter how you judge it, 2019 has been a successful year. This school is in its golden age: our classrooms are full; our waiting lists are long; our academic results are outstanding. We have developed into a world-renowned cultural institution and we continue to compete against the biggest and the best on the sports field. But can we really base success on what goes down in record books? Do we base our judgment of this school on material accolades? Is the purpose of this school to win trophies, better previous results and keep the record books from getting dusty? The real magnitude of our success is not depicted by these physical attributes, but rather in the things that cannot be recorded. When you choose to look at these things, this is when it can be said that we, as an institution, are successful year after year. I believe Alber t Einstein got it right when speaking of success said, “Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” I believe this school is successful because we strive to create men of value and men of value produce success. Our motivation lies not in the accolades, but in the calibre of the young men who walk out of these gates. The values and morals that have been passed down from generation to generation, and that are present in every pupil, is what makes us successful. The honour, the respect, the discipline and the sense of pride for the school that is present in every Kearsney pupil, old or young, is what makes us successful. These things are fairly easy to predict based on the common trends of the past, but the most predictable thing about a boy’s time at the College, is that af ter your five years here, just as the Class of 2019 will do, you will leave Kearsney well equipped with all the fundamentals needed to contribute to a better community, having entered the system as a big-headed small boy, and leaving as a level-headed young man ready for the world. Class of 2019 THE CLASS OF 2019 Valedictory speech by Headboy, Kade Mindry–September 2019 The real magnitude of our success is not depicted by these physical attributes, but rather in the things that cannot be recorded.

12 Class of 2019 Our Kearsney community consists of special relationships and bonds forged between not only the boys, but the staff too. These relationships mean so much more than mere academic success. I really appreciate and value all the staff of this school who have worked hard to achieve a balance between working towards accolades and working towards growth in relationships and individuals. These efforts will not be taken lightly and we do truly appreciate all that we have because of the staff. In order for us as individuals to win, we in turn must help those around us to win too. The class of 2019 has worked together to develop each individual and acknowledge their part in the success. For this, they must be commended. I thank you boys for the path that you chose to take this year. You chose to take the path that would better the College, not only as a school but as a home. I would like to single out Ezra and acknowledge him for the part he has played in my journey, and also the effort that he has put into his role. To the prefect body, I thank you for putting the needs of the college before your own. Thank you to the Matrics for everything that we have shared this year but also for the incredible people you are. I am lucky and truly proud to call myself a Matric pupil of the Class of 2019 because of you all. We as a form have learnt from the mistakes as well as the glory of the past, but we have never forgotten our individuality. We have grown as individuals and matured as a form. We have acknowledged that leading a SPEECH DAY AND GRADE 12 PRIZE-GIVING This special day in our calendar was an opportunity to acknowledge the achievements of the Class of 2019. Pictured: A group of prize winners and academic achievers school entails many different styles of leadership. Each person associated with Kearsney has played a role in the triumph of Kearsney. As the class of 2019 we have contributed to the legacy of Kearsney’s history that will go in both the written and the unwritten chronicles of the College. To the boys, thank you for having faith in and respect for the Matrics as we have led you throughout the year. Thank you for understanding your importance, but not demanding power. We as a school have understood what Oliver Tambo meant when he said, “The children of any nation are its future. A country, a movement, a person that does not value its youth and children, does not deserve its future.” We have truly implemented the mutual respect that is imperative for unity and success. As this year draws to a close I would like to take this moment to pay tribute and thank my parents who have supported me through my entire Kearsney career. Mom and Dad, I wouldn’t have made it without you. In conclusion to my speech today and as one of my final roles as the Headboy of this College, I can truly say that 2019 has been successful because we have understood the true definition of success and we have risen to what we were commissioned to do five years ago when we entered these hallowed gates. “Not to become men of success. Rather to become men of value.” Thank you Kade Mindry

13 all-rounder in the 6th Form Jordan Bamber Academic Honours Liyema Jacobs Michael Smith Joshua Barrett Nkanyiso Mkhize Academic Honours and the Life Orientation Prize Joseph McKenzie Academic Honours and the Geography Prize Dillon Wimbush Academic Honours; the Max Oram History Essay Prize and the Accounting Prize Jack Savage Academic Honours; the Jan Storm Prize for Afrikaans (shared) and the Business Studies Prize Neels Volschenk Academic Honours and the Information Technology Prize Ryan Healy Academic Honours; the William and Susan Jones Prize for English; the J Solnick Poetry Prize; the Music Prize and the Parry Trophy for Proxime Accessit to Dux Bryce Crockart Academic Honours Cum Laude; the Jan Storm Prize for Afrikaans (shared); the Jack Reece Prize for Modern Languages; the Alletson-Smith Shield for Mathematics, the Advanced Programme Mathematics Prize; the Patrick Moore Shield and the John Kinloch Prize for Physical Science; the Ben Milner Prize for Biology; the Engineering Graphics and Design Prize; the Colin Silcock Prize and the Tim Browne Trophy for Dux of the School Hayden de Kock Class of 2019 The McKenzie Trophy for Perseverance Wandile Hlabisa The S B Theunissen Memorial Trophy Ezra Tsela The Peter Metcalf Trophy for resourcefulness and initiative Loyiso Mabude The Edwin Henwood Trophy Lloyd Whitfield The Ambassadors Trophy Kade Mindry The George McLeod English Essay Prize (shared) Gregory McConnell David Jackson The Hindson Memorial Prize for English Literature Greg Barnett The Margarette and Richard Best Trophy for musical competence Sakhiwo Tshabalala The Mathematical Literacy Prize Connor Griffiths The Art Trophy for exceptional achievement in the practical discipline Connor Nilsen The Dramatic Art Trophy for exceptional achievement in the practical discipline (shared) Thando Myeza The Dramatic Art Trophy for exceptional achievement in the practical discipline(shared) and the Grant Greenberg Trophy for achievement in the Creative Arts Neo Mntambo The Mandarin Prize Ketan Gopichand The isiZulu Prize S’fundo Hlongwa Academic Colours Ethan Mills, Brent Gibson Reid Stuart, Liam Breytenbach, Matthew Horn, Andrew Watt Carlo Miller, Justin Goldie, Dean Gibson, Thomas Painting, Regan Shen, Jack Williams Academic Colours and the William Crawford Prize for History Jordan Baker Academic Colours and the Visual Arts Prize Kevyn Meyer Academic Colours and the Dramatic Arts Prize Luke Wilson Academic Colours and the Gait Trophy for the best GRADE 12 PRIZES–SPEECH DAY

14 IEB NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE RESULTS We are delighted to report the results of the 2019 IEB NSC Examinations. The Class of 2019 have achieved outstanding results, reinforcing Kearsney's reputation for academic excellence. Through their hard work, dedication and discipline throughout the year the boys have made themselves, their families and their school proud. Bachelor Degree Pass: 123/126 (98% Bachelor Degree Pass / University Exemption) Diploma Pass: 3 Number of subject distinctions: 254 (2,02 distinctions per candidate) Some highlights: • 98% Bachelor Degree (Matric exemption) pass rate and 100% pass rate (Bachelor Degree pass rate for all IEB schools of 89,5%); • 48,2 % of Mathematics candidates achieved distinctions (IEB schools’ ave. distinction rate: 24,9%); One boy placed in the top 1% in the country; Average Maths mark for the Class of 75,4%. • 27,4% of Physical Sciences boys achieved distinctions (IEB schools’ distinction rate: 16,9%). One boy in the top 1% (top 49 candidates) in SA. Average mark for the Class of 69,9%. • Ninth consecutive year that Kearsney’s Maths and Science distinction rates have been approximately double those of the IEB; • 100% Pass rate maintained in Mandarin for Kearsney’s second year of Mandarin candidates; 50% Distinction rate. • 56,3% of Information Technology candidates achieved distinctions (IEB schools’ distinction rate: 39,5%); • 56,9% of Engineering Graphics and Design boys achieved distinctions (IEB schools’ distinction rate: 28,2%). Five boys in the top 1% (top 13 candidates) in SA . Average mark of 81% (IEB Average: 67%); • 30% of the candidates achieved 3 or more distinctions; • 254 Distinctions at an average of 2,02 distinctions per boy. Class of 2019 TOP ACADEMICS L-R: Guest of honour at Speech Day, Mr Monde Nkosi, Bryce Crockart (Proxime Accessit to Dux), Hayden de Kock (Dux of the School) and Headmaster, Mr Elwyn van den Aardweg

15 Class of 2019 IEB National Senior Certificate (BOLD indicates top 1% of IEB candidates in South Africa for the subject). 8 Distinctions Hayden de Kock Afrikaans FAL 91; EGD 100; English HL 88; LO 91; Life Sciences 86; Mathematics 100; Phys Sciences 98; AP Maths 95 7 Distinctions Jack Savage Accounting 92; English HL 86; History 94; IT 90; LO 87; Mathematics 96; AP Maths 95 Ryan Healy EGD 97; English HL 84; IT 93; Life Orientation 81; Mathematics 95; Phys Sciences 91; AP Maths 92 Bryce Crockart Afrikaans FAL 83; English HL 91; LO 89; Life Sciences 82; Mathematics 88; Music 88; Phys Sciences 85 Neels Volschenk Afrikaans FAL 87; Bus. Studies 84; EGD 92; English HL 83; LO 86; Mathematics 86; Phys Sciences 80 6 Distinctions Joshua Barrett Accounting 88; Afrikaans FAL 84; English HL 82; LO 87; Mathematics 88; Phys Sciences 86 Luke Wilson Dramatic Arts 90; English HL 84; IT 87; Life Orientation 85; Mathematics 85; Phys Sciences 81 Liyema Jacobs Accounting 83; isiZulu FAL 86; LO 80; Mathematics 94; Phys Sciences 85; AP Maths 85 Michael Smith Afrikaans 83; FAL English HL 85; LO 82; Life Sciences 82; Mathematics 81; Phys Sciences 84 5 Distinctions Kevyn Meyer EGD 99; Life Orientation 86; Mathematics 95; Phys Sciences 88; Visual Arts 80 Reid Stuart EGD 87; IT 86; Life Orientation 86; Mathematics 89; Phys Sciences 82 Dillon Wimbush English HL 81; Geography 89; Life Orientation 85; Mathematics 91; Phys Sciences 80 Joseph McKenzie Afrikaans FAL 82; English HL 82; Life Orientation 92; Mathematics 84; Phys Sciences 80 Andrew Watt Dramatic Arts 88; English HL 83; History 84; Life Orientation 84; Mathematics 88 4 Distinctions Jordan Bamber Dramatic Arts 92; History 90; Life Orientation 85; Mathematics 84 Ethan Mills Accounting 83; EGD 97; Life Orientation 87; Mathematics 91 Nkanyiso Mkhize English HL 80; isiZulu FAL 92; Life Orientation 83; Mathematics 90 Liam Breytenbach EGD 95; Life Orientation 82; Mathematics 90; Phys Sciences 84 Dean Gibson EGD 92; Life Orientation 85; Life Sciences 80; Mathematics 83 Justin Goldie Accounting 86; EGD 97; Life Orientation 80; Mathematics 90 Matthew Horn Geography 80; Life Orientation 85; Mathematics 88; Phys Sciences 80 Carlo Miller History 87; Life Orientation 83; Mathematics 87; Phys Sciences 81 Greg Cobbledick Accounting 86; Life Orientation 80; Mathematics 95; Phys Sciences 81 Neo Mntambo Dramatic Arts 94; English HL 80; History 86; Life Orientation 81 Kyriacos Panas History 80; IT 88; Mathematics 84; Phys Sciences 83 Ketan Gopichand Accounting 80; English HL 82; IT 80; Mandarin 80 3 Distinctions Brent Gibson EGD 93; Life Orientation 88; Mathematics 88 Gregory Barnett Business Studies 82; English HL 80; History 94 Jared Brien Dramatic Arts 93; Life Orientation 87; Mathematics 82 Michael Horner EGD 95; Life Orientation 81; Mathematics 85 Jordan Baker History 88; Life Orientation 87; Mathematics 82 Regan Shen IT 84; Life Orientation 83; Mathematics 92 Alex Swanepoel EGD 87; Life Orientation 80; Mathematics 80 Saffin van Straaten EGD 88; Life Orientation 83; Mathematics 92 Chase Kelly EGD 92; History 81; LO 83 Luc Le Clézio EGD 83; Life Orientation 82; Maths Literacy 89 Bradley Green Business Studies 80; English HL 84; Life Orientation 88 S’fundo Hlongwa Business Studies 84; isiZulu FAL 91; Life Orientation 80 Three or more subject distinctions BOLD = Top 1% of IEB candidates per subject.

16 The prefect body of 2019 has done an exceptional job, putting the needs of the College before their own and stepping up to the plate to further the achievements of the successful Class of 2018. Although they knew that this would be a tough task, they rose to the occasion. Many sacrifices have been made, knowing that there will be little or no reward for them personally. This is truly admirable and sets the standard that not only the prefects, but every boy at the College, should look to achieve. The goals for 2019 discussed at the prefect seminar before school opened were to: To create a sense of unity within the whole school, not just grades; to back each other, even when you do not agree; not to undermine each other; to have mutual respect for everyone; Have a bond with the guys that they are responsible for whilst ensuring they remain level-headed. These goals have all been achieved and will all play a major role in making the Kearsney of today the best it can be. There have been times where there were minor setbacks and some issues to deal with, but the team reacted maturely and sorted them out. The group have grown tremendously as individuals and learnt many life lessons that I am sure will stay with them for the rest of their lives. These lessons include decision-making, problem-solving and time-management. Although the prefect body had extra responsibilities and authority compared to the rest of the Matrics, they managed to remain level-headed. Occasionally people who are put in positions with power will abuse their power and stray from who they were before they were elected. This has not been the case for anyone in the prefect body of 2019. Overall, the prefect body, with the help and cooperation of the other Matric boys, have had a successful year and I believe they have earned the respect of the whole school. We have set the bar extremely high for the Class of 2020 and we wish them all the best for next year. Kade Mindry Headboy PREFECTS PREFECTS Back row: Oliver Carmody, Dale Young, Sean Beith, Zukile Habile, Chase Kelly, Luke Wilson 3rd row: Michael Smith, Brent Gibson, Matt du Toit, Cameron Ferguson, Matthew Horn, Cameron Nel, Jordan Baker, Brent Gibson, Joshua Barrett 2nd row: Donovan Hurt, Connor Nilsen, Andrew Watt, Oliver Kenny, Joseph McKenzie, Jordan Bamber, Thando Myeza, Mpendulo Dlamini Front row: Sizwe Sigasa, Matt Brimacombe, Josh Muller, Mr Anthony Willows, Kade Mindry, Mr Elwyn van den Aardweg, Ezra Tsela, Carlo Miller, Neels Volschenk Prefects

17 Our theme for the year was to promote good relationships and brotherhood among the boys. The Council provides a forum where the voices and opinions of the boys of the College can be heard in respect of topics that could potentially affect all boys. A Grade 12 boy is responsible for leading each of the various portfolios. One of the portfolios outside of relationships involves environmental responsibility. The College introduced the solar chargers in the Knowledge Centre, recycling of paper in every classroom and reduced food wastage in the dining halls. HOD of Life Sciences, Mr Macdonald, drove a recycling project where building-bricks were created from waste plastic. On the sports front, gym times were changed to accommodate various boys’ commitments. The new mini-astro called “The Cage” has created–an enclosed area where all boys can play during down time. I thank Kade Mindry, Headboy, and Ezra Tsela, Deputy, who supported and guided the KCC. The success of the 2019 KCC was largely due to teamwork and diversity of ideas. Each team member had something unique to offer. Brainstorming gave everyone an opportunity to exchange ideas and come up with creative ways of doing things while working together to find solutions and a common goal. The Council will continue to grow and ensure that the College’s traditions are upheld and respected. Mr Manzin i Zungu MiC Council members Chairman: Olwethu Buthelezi Vice-chairman: Neo Mntambo Chairman of Imbizo: Loyiso Mabude Vice-chairman of Imbizo: Bongani Dindi Head of Chapel: Zibusiso Zulu Academic Rep: Justin Goldie Boarders Rep: Azile Mkhize Cultural Rep: Siya Tshabalala Dayboy Rep: Jack Hayes Environmental Rep: Brett Holing Sports Rep: Dillon Wimbush Grade 11 Reps: Qiniso Xulu and Matthew Hind Grade 10 Reps: Rahul Paul and Mhleli Khuzwayo Grade 9 Reps: Josh Owen and Lethu Gwarube Head of School: Kade Mindry Deputy Head of School: Ezra Tsela KEARSNEY COLLEGE COUNCIL KEARSNEY COLLEGE COUNCIL Back row: Bongani Dindi, Brett Holing, Matthew Hind, Azile Mkhize, Justin Goldie, Lethu Gwarube Middle row: Qiniso Xulu, Rahul Paul, Siya Tshabalala, Dillon Wimbush, Mhleli Khuzwayo, Josh Owen Front row: Ezra Tsela, Jack Hayes, Olwethu Buthelezi, Mr Manzini Zungu, Loyiso Mabude, Kade Mindry, Zibusiso Zulu Kearsney College Council

18 FINNINGLEY HOUSE Back row: Declan Sumner (10), Callum Hobden (12), Gregory McConnell (12), Dylan Westoby (10), Ben Field (10), Matthew Murray (11), Clayton Yeatman (11), Cameron van Eck (11), Adam Pons (9), Ethan Gourley (12), Kade Tyack (12), Matthew Roache (11), Sihle Manonyane (11), Cameron de Beer (10), David Shelly (10), David Jackson (12), Noah Laurēnz (11), James Maguire (11) 6th row: William Young (11), Bradley Taylor (12), Saffin van Straaten (12), Connor Griffiths (12), Kyle Potter (12), Michael Horner (12), Andisiwe Dladla (11), Reece Roberts (11), Joshua Howse (9), Nhlakanipho Ngubane (9), Grant Craze (11), Oluhle Mathebula (11), Zaheer Young (11), Ezekiel Falkson (12), Aidan Forte (12), David Hudson (12), Zenande Sokhela (11), Ethan Hughes (9), Sethu Jackson (10) 5th row: Ruben Fourie (9), Jacques Minnaar (9), Lehumo Mahlabana (9), Matthew Campbell (9), Ethan Botha (10), Michael Ngwenya (10), Tyga Pollock (10), Mandiza Zama (11), Gomolemo Maswabi (11), Lefa Motshele (11), Jack Lund (11), Saint John Thomson (11), Tom Gourley (10), Cameron Roache (9), Sithe Fumanisa (9), Singele Mkhize (10), Lex Rencken (10), Simon Kemp (9), Kayden Robinson (9), Jordan Curtis (9) 4th row: Darian Grant (12), Ntsika Ndaba (11), Daniel de Beer (11), Luke van Eeden (10), Trent Coetzee (10), Matthew Bolton (11), Matthew Schramm (10), Joshua Steytler (11), Kyriacos Panas (12), Matthew Rebelo (12), Jaden Hearmon (9), Owen Payne (9), Ross Savage (11), Gontse Machaba (10), Luke Roseveare (11), Matthew Goldie (11), Aaron Holm (12), Luke Brown (10), Ulizwi Buthelezi (9) 3rd row: Joshua Owen (9), Matthew Bergset (9), Fynn Pollock (9), Jeremiah Chetty (12), Prince Dube (10), Amnene Mthiyane (11), Campbell Davison (10), Alex Thorpe (10), Luke du Toit (10), Rory McCarthy (9 - exchange student), Dylan Olivier (9), Ethan Sumner (9), Matthew Foord (10), Clayton Fripp (9), Judah Gibson (10), Matthew Crookes (10), Joshua Mathews (11), Nicholas Bergset (11), Njabulo Gumede (9), Enzo Cocciante (9) 2nd row: Sbongakonke Maphumulo (9), Matthew Crookes (9), Cayson Saunders (10), Kian Taylor (10), Kamo Bikwane (10), Benjamin d’Avice (10), Anthony Malunga (11), Matthew Gray (9), Cole Rencken (9), Jayce van Eeden(9), Bulelani Nodada (10), Bevan Crookes (10), Craig Phillips (11), Ayanda Makhathini (11), Ben van Herzeele (9), Kyle McGladdery (9), Daniel Akal (10), Calem Schulz (9) Front row: Olwethu Buthelezi (12), Mpendulo Dlamini (12), Donovan Hurt (12), Zibusiso Zulu (12), Jack Savage (12), Mr Brett Alborough, Matt du Toit (12), Mr Jonathan Beaumont, Carlo Miller (12), Mr Jonathan Waldburger, Luke Wilson (12), Mr Matthew Saville, Justin Goldie (12), Jordan Baker (12), Sizwe Sigasa (12), Alex Moon (12), Dylan Thompson (12) Absent: Luke Ambler-Smith (10), Jean-Luc Talbot (11) (Grade shown in brackets)

19 2019 has, once again, been a successful and rewarding year for the boys of Finningley House. It has been incredibly heartening to witness the easing of divisions between the grades over the last five years and 2019 epitomises the growth of the House in these terms. Five years ago, the challenge was to create an experience for the Finningley boys based on a combination of mutual respect and acceptance; a place where boys would feel supported and elevated, and capable of facing the challenges that this modern world continuously throws at them. This aspect has been a focal point for the leadership of the House and the necessity of providing a secure and stable base for our boys who face challenging circumstances has been at the forefront of all we do. As far as inter-house competition is concerned, Finningley enjoyed a mixed bag of results. Victories were gained on the rugby field and basketball court, as well as in chess. The boys displayed incredible passion and managed to achieve a very credible second place in the inter-house athletics after a particularly slow start to the competition. The juniors coming through look capable and talented and this bodes well for the future of the House. In the inter-house sporting competition, Finningley came storming back into contention after initially propping up the base, achieving a pleasing second place. This was facilitated by excellent results in squash, basketball, soccer and golf. Once again the participation of the Matric boys in organising and running the various activities proved invaluable and I thank each and every one of them. In the cultural sphere the boys battled to convert talent and capability into success. Sadly the inter-house music competition was once again fraught with perplexing scoring, leaving many viewers incredulous as to the results. The boys will need to take cognisance of the specific requirements and the apparent need to sacrifice musical excellence for popular culture if they wish to succeed. The inter-house plays were of a particularly high standard and unfortunately Finningley’s comedic and entertaining fare was not deemed worthy of recognition. With a wealth of talent in these spheres, the House can surely look forward to a successful 2020. I would like to pay homage to the leadership group of 2019. The House was ably led by Carlo Miller, along with his deputies Mpendulo Dlamini, Matt du Toit, Donovan Hurt and Luke Wilson. What becomes more and more apparent is the supportive role these incredible young men play. They manage to balance the mantels of both discipline and control, with empathy and understanding. It is not uncommon for them to spend time late into the night counselling and advising the young men whose well-being they are charged with. The Matric group of 2019 have been great ambassadors for the House. They have been approachable and have taken their roles as mentors to heart. They have created bonds that will be hard to break and I appreciate each and every one of them. The future beckons and I wish them Godspeed. In the words of the great Lewis Carrol, “Where should I go?” - Alice. “That depends on where you want to end up.” - The Cheshire Cat.” Thanks must also go to my assistant Housemaster Jonathan Waldburger, and duty staff, Brett Alborough and Senzo Mtshali, for all they do to ensure that Finningley is the special place that it is. This year we said goodbye to Matt Saville after a number of years as a Finningley duty master. His contribution to the House cannot be underestimated and he has had a marked impact on numerous Finningley boys who have been fortunate enough to have relied on his advice and leadership in the House. Matt will be missed and we wish him all the best in his pursuit of alternative avenues of interest. With Matt’s departure we were able to welcome Senzo Mtshali to the team. I wish Senzo all the best for a successful time in the Finningley family. And so the Grade 12 year of 2020 take to the stage. Throughout their time in the House they have proved to be a tightly-knit group, supportive of each other and passionate about the House. They are principled and determined and I look forward to working with them. Congratulations to Grant Craze, Matthew Murray, William Young and Mandiza Zama on their appointment as Deputy Head prefects for 2020. The House will be ably led by Noah Laurēnz, a young man of integrity, empathy and common-sense. Finningley has also deservedly sent three young men across to Haley to help mould the new Grade 8s into upstanding Kearsney gentlemen. Congratulations to Lefa Motshele, Amnene Mthiyane and Craig Phillips on their appointments as Deputy Head prefects of Haley House. 2020 promises to be a watershed year for Finningley House as we prepare for the centenary. The foundations have been laid, buried deep into the rich soil of Botha’s Hill. The walls have been erected straight and true. Now we await the crowning achievement. It is up to the boys of 2020 to raise the roof and complete the work of those who have gone before. Mr Jonathan Beaumont FINNINGLEY HOUSE Housemaster’s report [The leadership group] manage to balance the mantels of both discipline and control, with empathy and understanding. Finningley House