
12 Class of 2019 Our Kearsney community consists of special relationships and bonds forged between not only the boys, but the staff too. These relationships mean so much more than mere academic success. I really appreciate and value all the staff of this school who have worked hard to achieve a balance between working towards accolades and working towards growth in relationships and individuals. These efforts will not be taken lightly and we do truly appreciate all that we have because of the staff. In order for us as individuals to win, we in turn must help those around us to win too. The class of 2019 has worked together to develop each individual and acknowledge their part in the success. For this, they must be commended. I thank you boys for the path that you chose to take this year. You chose to take the path that would better the College, not only as a school but as a home. I would like to single out Ezra and acknowledge him for the part he has played in my journey, and also the effort that he has put into his role. To the prefect body, I thank you for putting the needs of the college before your own. Thank you to the Matrics for everything that we have shared this year but also for the incredible people you are. I am lucky and truly proud to call myself a Matric pupil of the Class of 2019 because of you all. We as a form have learnt from the mistakes as well as the glory of the past, but we have never forgotten our individuality. We have grown as individuals and matured as a form. We have acknowledged that leading a SPEECH DAY AND GRADE 12 PRIZE-GIVING This special day in our calendar was an opportunity to acknowledge the achievements of the Class of 2019. Pictured: A group of prize winners and academic achievers school entails many different styles of leadership. Each person associated with Kearsney has played a role in the triumph of Kearsney. As the class of 2019 we have contributed to the legacy of Kearsney’s history that will go in both the written and the unwritten chronicles of the College. To the boys, thank you for having faith in and respect for the Matrics as we have led you throughout the year. Thank you for understanding your importance, but not demanding power. We as a school have understood what Oliver Tambo meant when he said, “The children of any nation are its future. A country, a movement, a person that does not value its youth and children, does not deserve its future.” We have truly implemented the mutual respect that is imperative for unity and success. As this year draws to a close I would like to take this moment to pay tribute and thank my parents who have supported me through my entire Kearsney career. Mom and Dad, I wouldn’t have made it without you. In conclusion to my speech today and as one of my final roles as the Headboy of this College, I can truly say that 2019 has been successful because we have understood the true definition of success and we have risen to what we were commissioned to do five years ago when we entered these hallowed gates. “Not to become men of success. Rather to become men of value.” Thank you Kade Mindry