
14 IEB NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE RESULTS We are delighted to report the results of the 2019 IEB NSC Examinations. The Class of 2019 have achieved outstanding results, reinforcing Kearsney's reputation for academic excellence. Through their hard work, dedication and discipline throughout the year the boys have made themselves, their families and their school proud. Bachelor Degree Pass: 123/126 (98% Bachelor Degree Pass / University Exemption) Diploma Pass: 3 Number of subject distinctions: 254 (2,02 distinctions per candidate) Some highlights: • 98% Bachelor Degree (Matric exemption) pass rate and 100% pass rate (Bachelor Degree pass rate for all IEB schools of 89,5%); • 48,2 % of Mathematics candidates achieved distinctions (IEB schools’ ave. distinction rate: 24,9%); One boy placed in the top 1% in the country; Average Maths mark for the Class of 75,4%. • 27,4% of Physical Sciences boys achieved distinctions (IEB schools’ distinction rate: 16,9%). One boy in the top 1% (top 49 candidates) in SA. Average mark for the Class of 69,9%. • Ninth consecutive year that Kearsney’s Maths and Science distinction rates have been approximately double those of the IEB; • 100% Pass rate maintained in Mandarin for Kearsney’s second year of Mandarin candidates; 50% Distinction rate. • 56,3% of Information Technology candidates achieved distinctions (IEB schools’ distinction rate: 39,5%); • 56,9% of Engineering Graphics and Design boys achieved distinctions (IEB schools’ distinction rate: 28,2%). Five boys in the top 1% (top 13 candidates) in SA . Average mark of 81% (IEB Average: 67%); • 30% of the candidates achieved 3 or more distinctions; • 254 Distinctions at an average of 2,02 distinctions per boy. Class of 2019 TOP ACADEMICS L-R: Guest of honour at Speech Day, Mr Monde Nkosi, Bryce Crockart (Proxime Accessit to Dux), Hayden de Kock (Dux of the School) and Headmaster, Mr Elwyn van den Aardweg