
21 Unfortunately, 2019 did not end kindly for Finningley, as we had not managed to recreate previous years’ Inter-house winning streaks. However, the one thing we as a House did achieve well was creating an environment that was indeed a “home away from home”. As leadership, we focused this year on strengthening relationships within the House. This was proven in the inter-house sports competition this year where our boys performed well, despite not being the most talented or gifted on the field. This level of teamwork went further than the results on the field and strengthened the bonds of brotherhood among the boys in the House, creating memories which will last a lifetime. My ability to lead the House and create the family we did this year was strengthened by my fellow Matrics. Thank you for assisting in driving the House with such passion and for making the Prefects’ jobs easier and helping to make Finningley the home it was for the boys this year. You led with enthusiasm and maintained the standards, giving your all in various situations, despite any challenges you encountered. The levels of passion, integrity and determination you set filtered down to the lower form boys expertly and the result was a House which grew from strength to strength in passion and commitment. Thank you, Mr Jonathan Beaumont, and the duty staff of 2019 - Mr Jonathan Waldburger, Mr Brett Alborough and Mr Senzo Mtshali, for your assistance and support throughout the year and for always ensuring the House ran smoothly. My thanks must also extend to the duty staff who left during our time in the House: Mr Matthew Saville, Mr Bruce McClure and Mr Dougan Macdonald, who all influenced, guided and helped develop each of the Matrics into the men we are becoming. I know it was the guidance of all the staff who had the most significant impact on our development as young adults. Finally, thank you to my fellow prefects: Mpendulo Dlamini, Matt du Toit, Donovan Hurt and Luke Wilson, for your hard work behind the scenes. Thank you for working tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of the House and for assisting in creating an environment where each boy felt free to express himself. I would like to wish Noah Laurēnz, and the new Finningley prefect body, the best of luck for 2020. May you create your legacy, and may your year as House leaders see further and higher heights achieved. While the memories of the victories and losses experienced will fade over time, what lives on is the emotions of the boys and their feelings towards a House that was their home for five years. The boys in the House completed another chapter in their journeys at Kearsney, and the Matrics ended off their final chapter at the College. 2019 may not have been a glory year for trophies in Finningley House, but we rest in the knowledge that we achieved far greater successes than what those trophies could bring. Ca rlo Mi l l e r FINNINGLEY HOUSE Head of House report Finningley House