
25 It has been an honour and a privilege to lead the Gillingham House of 2019. Gillingham last won the Veldman Trophy as overall Inter-house winners in the year 2016, and before that in 1998, and I am proud to say that we have done it again. The boys of the House stuck together and held Gillingham’s name high. The prefect goal this year was focused – to win the overall inter-house trophy while keeping intact the values and disciplines of a true Gillingham boy. The positive relationship among the seniors and juniors resulted in tremendous camaraderie and support, which ultimately led to the House’s success. The boys showed perseverance, spirit and discipline at every inter-house event, and these actions highlighted their authentic characters and forged a strong bond. I firmly believe it is this bond that was the reason for our outstanding performances in swimming, cricket, cross-country, golf and academics. The success of the year has served as a strong motivation for future events, and the boys are keen to retain our position at the top of the table. To the Gillingham Matrics of 2019, thank you for your leadership and friendliness in the House. Your positive leadership style made Gillingham a place where the boys wanted to be. I wish you all the best in your future ventures and trust that you will never forget your time in Gillingham. We will always remember you. A special mention and thank you goes to the duty staff of 2019: Mr Macdonald, Mr Prinsloo, Mr Simpson, Mr van Heerden and Mr van Zyl. Your service to the House and all the boys was a significant contributing factor in our ultimate success this year. Quite simply, we couldn’t have done it without you! Thank you to the Gillingham prefects Connor Nilsen, Joshua Barrett, Oliver Carmody and Sean Beith, who set the highest of standards for the boys. It wasn’t an easy year, but, with perseverance, we finished off successfully. Your passion, contribution and constant support are a legacy which will remain long after we have left. Good luck in all your future endeavours. To the 2020 Gillingham Matric class: we now pass the baton to you. One piece of advice I leave you with is to trust yourselves and trust one another. This will form a solid foundation and help to take the House to new heights. To your leaders; Sam Jiyane, Tyson Andrews, Luke Dudley, Jared Uys and Wesley Uys– always do more than what’s expected of you. You were appointed for a reason, so seize the opportunity to be the best leaders you possibly can. To all the Gillingham boys of 2020, your time here is short, but what you leave behind will be written in Gillingham’s history–so make it count. Always abide by Gillingham’s core values by giving of your best. Give everything you have for your brothers and the future will take care of itself. Good luck for the year. Upward and Onward. Matt Brimacombe GILLINGHAM HOUSE Head of House report Gillingham House