
02 The year in review Including message from the Headmas ter and Col lege s taf f news 10 The Class of 2019 A tr ibute to the Matr ic group, including a message from the Headboy, academic awards , IEB resul t s , school prefec t s and the Kear sney Col lege Counci l 18 Looking back at the year in the Houses Repor t s from Housemas ter s and prefec t Heads of House 36 Academic repor ts Including academic tour s and repor t s from each depar tment 58 Spiritual ity Repor t s on spir i tual i ty and fel lowship 60 Outreach Repor t on the boys’ involvement in ser ving the communi ty 63 Cultural activities and clubs The Cul ture@Kear sney progr amme, cul tur al enr ichment and clubs and societ ies of fered 84 Spor t Ref lec t ing on the spor t ing ac t ivi t ies and achievement s of the year 180 Kearsney Foundation News and ini t iat ives from the Foundat ion Of f ice 186 Kearsney Col lege Parents' Society A repor t from the Chairman 187 Kearsney Col lege Old Boys Updates on the ac t ivi t ies of the Old Boys around the wor ld 192 In Memoriam Remember ing the Old Boys who have passed away in 2019 Contents Kearsney Chronicle 2019