
29 “The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others.’’ (Hasidic Proverb) It was never going to be easy taking over a winning House but we accepted the challenge and started the year off on a positive note. The atmosphere in the House has been very positive and I have enjoyed my interactions with the boys of Pembroke. All the boys must be commended on the way in which they dealt with the challenges we have faced this year. Pembroke is a happy House where the boys work well together, there is a bond which unites Pembroke boys, forging lifetime friendships. On the sporting front, Pembroke won the inter-house water polo, for the third consecutive year, in a fiercely fought battle with Gillingham. The Pembroke tennis team proved once again to be a formidable force, winning the inter-house tennis comfortably. A threeway split positioned us at the top for cricket too. Pembroke won the senior cross country with Cameron Nel winning the seniors and Liam Theunissen winning the junior category. The highlight in the sporting events was undoubtedly Pembroke winning the inter-house tug-of-war, led by Trent Gooderson, setting us as the undefeated champions in perhaps the most prestigious sporting event on the College calendar. In the cultural competition, we placed second overall with Pembroke’s House Play, written by Loyiso Mabude, Siya Tshabalala and Malusi Ngomane, winning best original script. The best prepared speech in the inter-house public speaking competition was won by Lael Savrimuthu and in the inter-house music competition, best individual musical performance went to Cade Brooks for his exceptional solo. Although all our boys worked extremely hard on their academics throughout the year, with our Matrics coming first in the third term, it was not enough to take the cup. We were placed second in both academics and cultural spheres, which placed us second overall for the year. Congratulations to all the boys who contributed to this success and gave their time for the House I must thank the Matrics for the year. Working with this group of boys really made my first year as Housemaster relatively smooth. The Matrics were thoroughly committed to making the year a success and they all contributed meaningfully. We were all very proud our own Kade Mindry, the Headboy of the College, who would often spend time in the House, never forgetting his roots. To the class of 2019, your legacy will continue and I look forward to hearing of all your successes in the years to come. Head of House, Neels Volschenk, and his team of prefects, Matthew Horn, Cameron Nel, Jo McKenzie, Brent and Dean Gibson, led the House proudly and are to be commended on their outstanding year, providing leadership and encouraging great camaraderie in the House. They carried themselves with dignity and held strong to their beliefs, keeping order and the traditions of the House in place. Special thanks must go to my Assistant Housemaster, Adrian Ryan, as well as Duty Masters, Andy Morgan and Jon Robinson for their great support and assistance throughout the year. It was a pleasure to work with them and I am pleased that they will all remain as duty staff next year. The new look to the entrance of Pembroke is most impressive and I am proud to call this House home. 2020 promises to be another competitive year and I know that the Matrics of 2020 will not disappoint. Siyahlola Njalo Mr Stafford Gre en PEMBROKE HOUSE Housemaster’s report Pembroke House