
31 When looking back at the roller-coaster year that was 2019, there has been one burning question that haunted me for many days: “How do you measure the success of your House?” I figured that the question would be broken up into three categories, just as the inter-house events are, but I soon realised that is not the case. Success does not solely rely on the academic, sporting or cultural performances of a House. Success should be measured by the standard of boys that a House produces, and it is with this in mind that I can say that it was indeed a successful year for Pembroke. Although we were unable to bring home the silverware, I must commend the boys for the mature manner in which they approached all inter-house events. 2019 was filled with massive victories and some unfortunate losses, but the boys refused to quit until it was officially over. Pembroke finished second this year behind an extremely strong Gillingham House, but I must thank every boy who gave their all for the House this year. Pembroke has a reputation of being the underdog, despite winning the inter-house competition for the last two years, but that is exactly why it is so satisfying when our boys achieve beyond what is expected of them. We have built a culture of accepting the ‘underdog’ status and using that to our advantage and I hope to see the House flourishing one day when I return as an Old Boy. I would like to extend a big thank you to the House Duty Masters and the Pembroke prefects – Matt Horn, Dean Gibson, Brent Gibson, Jo McKenzie and Cameron Nel - who worked tirelessly to ensure a disciplined yet welcoming House. Pembroke produced eight prefects in total this year, including a Haley prefect (Oliver Kenny) and our Headboy (Kade Mindry). A special thanks needs to be extended to our Housemaster, Mr Green, who took over from Mr Willows at the beginning of the year. Although there were big shoes to fill, you ran the House flawlessly, perfectly balancing discipline and fun and it is thanks to you that Pembroke could enjoy such a smooth and successful year. PEMBROKE HOUSE Head of House report Pembroke House The Matrics of 2019 will forever be remembered as a year of leaders, regardless of the badge that they wore on their chests. Thank you for being such mature and respectful people and for contributing to the welcoming atmosphere within the House. It is without a doubt that this year wouldn’t have been the same was it not for you. Thank you for making it such a special and memorable year for us all. Finally, to Mr Green and the new prefect body I wish you all the best for the year to come and for the task at hand. They are an extremely strong-minded group of boys and together I believe that they can launch the House back into the top position. Siyahlola Njalo Neels Volsc henk