
33 Success is not a destination that you ever reach. Success is the quality of the journey. These words ring particularly true for Sheffield in 2019. In a society where success is often measured by accolades and accomplishments, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that there can only ever be one winner in a competition if final standings are considered to be the end point. While that may sound like the platitude of one who has failed once again to come first, it is important to remember that success can not only be defined by winning. Although Sheffield House did not come first in the inter-house competition, the boys of Sheffield can look back on a successful year in terms of the quality of their journey. The inter-house competition once again saw a mixed bag of results for the House, with a few wins for Sheffield but far too many third and last places for us to stake a serious claim on first place overall. The win in the Cultural competition deserves some mention as the boys involved in the Inter-house Plays, Public Speaking and Music managed to secure wins in all 3 events allowing Sheffield (despite coming last in Chess) to lay claim to being the “most cultured” House on the campus. As the smallest House in terms of enrolment, the boys showed tremendous tenacity in the competition, with many of the boys stepping out of their comfort zones to make up numbers for various teams and events. The efforts of those boys have not gone unnoticed and should spur on some others who opted to rather sit on the side-lines to participate to a greater extent next year. Academically, the House managed to hold on to third place and will be looking to improve on that next year. Led by a strong academic matric group in 2020, that is certainly a possibility. This philosophical journey which each Sheffield boy has taken this year has been heavily influenced by the leadership of the House, the matric group of 2019. Thanks must go to each and every one of these fine young men for any part that they have played, big or small, in contributing to the House during their 5 years on the Hill, especially the contributions made this year. I must make particular mention of the prefects, Josh Muller, Jordan Bamber, Cameron Ferguson, Thando Myeza and Dale Young who have led the House by their fine example and set the bar for the next group of Matrics and prefects even higher than it was set for them. Thanks also to the duty staff, Mr Els, Mr van Ellewee and Mr Thomson for the time they have devoted to the House and for the sacrifices they have made over the course of this year; this has certainly contributed positively to the quality of the journey experienced by the boys this year. 2020 promises to be another busy year for the College and for Sheffield House and I am certain that the boys of 2020, led by their prefects and matric group will once again rise to the challenge and set out on another journey of the highest quality. Ga re th Mo erdyk SHEFFIELD HOUSE Housemaster’s report Sheffield House