
2 Mr Chairman, the guest of honour, Mr Monde Nkosi, guests, staff, parents, Old Boys, boys of the College and the Sixth Form Class of 2019. Monde, what a joy it is to have you as our guest of honour today. We are so proud of you, and we look forward to your address later. Welcome to the Heads, members of Boards and representatives of schools who have honoured us with their presence today – thank you for trying, and taking the time, to attend today's ceremony. It is customary on this occasion to record those staff members who have left during the year, or who will leave by the end of the year. Thus far this year, two members of the Estates staff have left Kearsney viz Messers Albert Sibisi and Bashimane Ramushu. Two IT staff, Atish Raghubir and Clinton Brayley, have moved on to other opportunities and Sister Jo van Musschenbroek, who oversaw the Sanatorium for nearly nine years, has taken up a position near Edinburgh, Scotland. Each cog in the wheel that these employees have occupied is crucial to the running of the College, and while we acknowledge their contributions and thank them for their service, we wish them well in their future endeavours. I think Kearsney and I are indeed fortunate to have such a high calibre of staff fulfilling management roles in the College. Each one of my management is an expert in their field, fully identifying and aligning themselves with the mission and vision of the College and being prepared to innovate, bring about necessary changes and adapt to a fast-changing environment. These managers lead teams of committed employees, teachers, administration and estates staff who are prepared to go the extra mile for the College. I believe that the average turnover of teachers at independent schools is in the region of 16% per annum. At Kearsney, this figure is significantly less. To illustrate, at the end of this year, we have only one full-time member of staff who will be leaving and one part-timer. Mr and Mrs Perrett will be heading back to China to teach in an international school. Mr Perrett was an intern at the College and then employed to head the Life Orientation Department last year. Mrs Perrett taught junior English and Mandarin. We thank them and wish them well in this exciting new venture. We also draw on the support and expertise of many wonderful people who give freely of their time and expertise without remuneration to assist the College to attain the heights that it does. This culture of volunteerism is something we do not take for granted as Kearsney's strength lies mostly in the very people who give of themselves, their time and their expertise for the greater good. In this respect, we acknowledge the members of the Board, the knowledge they provide and the interest they have in the College under the calm and intelligent chairmanship of Mr Andrew Parsons. The Trustees, who occupy the apex of governance at the College are wisdom personified. Led by Old Boy Mr Rob Lloyd, they have been pillars of support. We thank Rob for his composed and considered chairmanship of the Trust over the past few years. The Development Fund was set up by the Old Boys in 1982 to assist primarily with bursary and scholarship funding and is chaired by Old Boy Mr Peter Morgan. They have expertly managed the investment of the Endowment Fund Trust through an investment company, growing it and thereby providing muchneeded funds to assist families to send their sons to Kearsney. The Parents’ Society, chaired by Dr Doug Beere, is thanked for its generosity of time and energy in support of myriad activities at the College. We also have a proactive and supportive Old Boys Club, which, under the chairmanship of Wray Radford, has been incredibly positive and willing to assist the College in numerous ways. We also pay tribute to all the donors who make it possible for Kearsney to host and facilitate functions and events and even for Kearsney to offer bursaries to boys who would otherwise be unable to attend the College. We thank the many donors of the College, some of whom are individual benefactors and others who represent a business or a trust. I see some are present with us in this hall today. Thank you most sincerely for your generosity, love and support. HEADMASTER’S SPEECH From Speech Day Headmaster's Report