
47 The History Department this year, in conjunction with the EGD and Drama Departments, also embarked on a highly successful and enriching Academic Tour to the East Coast of the United States over the April Holidays. After very long flights from Durban to Dubai and then on to Boston the large group of boys began an unforgettable tour immersed in the sights and sounds of the USA. Highlights for the History Boys included a visit to the John F Kennedy Presidential Museum and Library in Boston, visiting Ground Zero and the Empire State Building in New York City as well as visits to the Museum of the City of New York and the American Natural History Museum, while the day visit to the Battlefield of Gettysburg brought the scale and immensity of the American Civil War to life. The tour ended in Washington DC and unforgettable historical highlights included a visit to Arlington National Cemetery, the Iwo Jima War Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, Korean and Vietnam War Memorials, the White House, The Newseum as well as the National Air and Space Museum and a visit to the Capitol. An exhausted but stimulated group of pupils and teachers wearily made their way home, having had an incredible experience of a lifetime. This year the History Department was also involved in the annual KZN Schools History Quiz and entered teams into the Daily News High School Quiz. Academic Review As part of “Changemaker Day”, the History Department collaborated with the Afrikaans and isiZulu Departments with a cooking competition where traditional Afrikaans and isiZulu dishes, reflecting the wide and diverse range of cultures that are historically found in South Africa, were produced. The Grade 9s showcased their excellent work in the annual History Expo, which was held during the second week of the fourth term in the Greyhound Pavilion. A change of theme was introduced this year and was entitled “Historical Events That Have Changed the World.” This allowed boys to embrace a wide and diverse range of topics and illustrated the significance and impact some events have had on our world. The standard of work produced was extremely high and several awards and prizes were made. This has certainly been another extremely busy and productive year for the department, and I must pay tribute to everyone in the department who ensured that History continues to be seen as a relevant and important subject in an increasingly evolving and changing world. Mr Nei l Peacoc k HOD History The History tour group at the Lincoln Memorial