
51 The Grade 11s enjoyed the challenges of the year, working through the medium of video to summarise and present information on topics, as well as more traditional paper-based notes. Practical work was carried out in the laboratories to demonstrate some of the principles covered in the theoretical side of the syllabus. The boys really enjoyed the field trip to the uShaka Marine World aquarium and Dangerous Creatures where they were reminded yet again of the enormous influence that humans have on the environment and how important it is to do something to reduce our impact as soon as possible. The Grade 10s enjoyed two field trips this year. They travelled to the University of KwaZulu Natal, Pietermaritzburg campus, to see Botanical research and conservation in action at the University’s Botanical Garden, as well as to see and use Electron Microscopes in the EM Unit. The second field trip was more ecological in nature, with a visit to Emanzini Private Reserve Estate where a walk about and some practical ecological techniques were practised. Several sessions of practical work and microscopy were also carried out in the laboratories to augment the theory part of the Grade 10 Life Sciences course. The Grade 9s undertook a trip to Blue Lagoon in Durban to look at how Biology and Geography can complement each other, as well as the effect that plastic has on the natural environment. Thereafter the boys completed an expo project which focused on practical investigative principles being put into action. The result was some interesting and well-presented projects. The Grade 8s, along with their introduction to Biology at high school level, enjoyed a great day out to Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve to add to their first-hand knowledge of many aspects of ecology that had been dealt with in the classroom. The department continues to focus on delivering lessons in innovative ways that enhance learning and maintain interest in the subject. We strive to include many real-life examples in our teaching as well as working to facilitate the discussion of valid, varied and interesting topics relating to the curriculum. The department’s success has only been possible through a massive team effort, with Mr Kyle Eysele, Mr Keagan Deponselle and Mrs Thaloshney Pelzer providing invaluable assistance throughout the year. As a department, we look forward to next year as we continually strive to enhance the delivery of the curriculum and explore the potential of educational trips to increase the enjoyment of Life Sciences. Mr Dougan Macdonald HOD Life Sciences LIFE SCIENCES 2019 was characterised by focused academic progress, enthusiasm, hard work and enjoyment and this focus resulted in some incredible results for our Grade 12 learners. Congratulations to each one of them on their excellent work ethic and enthusiasm for the subject. Academic Review Shem Adjes with the Grade 11 group visit to uShaka Marine World