
55 Despite a long history of achieving excellent Matric results, we are very aware that we cannot rest on our laurels, particularly given the pace at which change is happening in our society. We are constantly seeking new ways to make Science exciting, accessible and relevant to the pupils we teach. Although we are restricted to a certain extent by the IEB syllabus and the final Matric examination with our senior classes, we still continually research new methodologies and regularly update our comprehensive notes. We have more freedom to develop our own curriculum with the junior classes and constantly strive to achieve a balance between laying the foundational concepts and skills required in the senior phase whilst retaining an element of fun and surprise. We try to include as much practical work as possible and make effective use of data sensor technology where appropriate. We are excited about a new development launching in 2020. This is the inclusion of QR codes in our Grade 8, 9 and 10 notes, which provide links to teaching videos on the various topics covered. A major advantage of this innovation is that boys who are absent from a science lesson, through illness or for other reasons, can access an age-appropriate, relevant teaching video on the work missed. We also feel that these video links will prove useful for boys when they are revising for tests and examinations. It is a source of some concern to us that even though our boys regularly achieve among the best Matric Science results in the country, the number of boys selecting to continue with Science at the end of Grade 9 has started to decline in recent years. We have spent many a Science Department meeting speculating the reasons for this and brainstorming possible solutions. We cannot get away from the fact that Science, as a subject, requires rigour and self-discipline … unfortunately it cannot be all about “blowing things up” which is what any schoolboy enjoys most! The analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills, developed through science, are valuable in any career after school, regardless of whether it has a science focus. It remains a privilege to work in a well-resourced department with such dedicated colleagues. My thanks go to Mr Bruce Thompson, Mr Gareth Moerdyk, Mr Steve Main and Mrs Tilly Kistensamy for their ongoing support and tireless work ethic. Mrs Sue Murray HOD Science PHYSICAL SCIENCES We are constantly seeking new ways to make Science exciting, accessible and relevant to the pupils we teach. Academic Review