
Contents The Year in Review 2 Including a message from the Headmaster, and Board and Staff information. The Class of 2023 12 A tribute to the Matric group, including a message from the Head Prefect, awards for 2023, the leadership groups and the Matric Dance. The Houses 26 Reports from the Housemasters and Heads of Houses from each of our five Houses. Academic Review 46 News from the HODs of Academic Departments, the IEB results, and more. Spirituality 66 Our Chaplain reflects on the rich spiritual life of the College. Community Service 68 A summary of outreach activities during the year. Cultural Activities and Clubs 70 Read about the year’s cultural activities, clubs and societies. Sport 90 News from the sporting codes. The Kearsney Foundation 194 News and acknowledgements from the Foundation Office. Kearsney College Old Boys 199 Activities of Old Boys’ branches around the globe. In Memoriam 204 We remember KCOB members who passed away during the year.

3 2 On 17 January 2023, Bishop Linda Mandindi, Bishop of the Natal Coastal District of the Methodist Church, presided over the induction service for Kearsney’s 8th headmaster, Mr Patrick Lees. Mr Lees matriculated from Michaelhouse and has worked in independent schools for the past twentyseven years. He served as Headmaster of St John’s Preparatory for ten years and Executive Headmaster of Pridwin Preparatory for three years. Our new headmaster has held many prestigious positions, including executive positions in the Independent Schools Association of South Africa (ISASA) and the Southern African Heads of Independent Schools’ Association (SAHISA). Patrick is passionate about the broader Transformation and Diversity imperatives in our academic framework and their relevance to the South African context. This is nowhere more evident than in his founding of the Realema Teacher Intern programme, now comprising 50 interns and 30 graduates, and the St John’s Preparatory Academy, a communityfocused programme for promising pupils from inner-city schools in Johannesburg. Patrick possesses a BA, a PGCE (cum laude), a BEd (Hons) and a MEd from the University of Witwatersrand. He has also completed the Leadership Development Programme at Wits Business School. An excellent sportsman, Patrick has played cricket for the then Natal Nuffield and Colts teams and for Eastern Province, and rugby for the then Natal U21s. Patrick is married to Sarah and they have four adult children, Jessica, James, Charlotte and Jack, and a granddaughter, Elizabeth. Patrick was proud to assume the headmaster position and excited by the possibilities that lie ahead: ‘’I am a passionate educator...I am passionate about leading a school that is relevant to the South African context and at the cutting edge of global education. Sarah and I are so excited and honoured to have been given this opportunity to lead Kearsney. To lead a school like Kearsney is the pinnacle of achievement for any aspiring headmaster’’. A warm welcome to Kearsney’s 8th Headmaster Headmaster’s Induction Headmaster’s Speech Speech Night September 2023 Good evening Parents, Members of the Board and Trust, Honoured Guests, our Guest of Honour, Dr Cardo, but most of all, good evening gentlemen of the College. Firstly, I would like to congratulate all of you gentlemen. Not just those who will be receiving prizes tonight, but every single one of you boys who has contributed to making this year and this school such a special place – well done! You are all winners tonight and I, we all, salute you. A few years back, when I was at a fellow Methodist School’s (St Stithians College) Founders’ Day, the Rector was a wise old gentleman called David Wylde—a legendary educational guru. When he got up to address the audience at his last Founders’ Day, we all waited with bated breath to hear his parting words of wisdom. His speech consisted of three words: he said, “It’s been real!” … and then sat down. He received a standing ovation! I thought about doing something like that this year, and I am sure you all would enjoy it—short and sweet. However, with this being my first, not last, Speech Night and Prize Giving, I do not think I have that luxury. As I stand here after nine months as the 8th headmaster of Kearsney College, I am reminded that life is an endless canvas of possibilities waiting to be painted with the vibrant hues of our dreams and ambitions, inspired by the people that we meet along our journey each day. Each day offers a chance to embrace new opportunities, to learn and grow, and to shape a future that holds infinite promise. I have absolutely loved being inspired every day by you gentlemen and all of you people. You, the bright young minds of today, represent the epitome of potential. Each one of you carries within you a reservoir of capabilities waiting to be tapped. Remember, it’s not just the accolades we celebrate today, but the boundless possibilities that lie within you that maybe haven’t been seen yet or recognised or unleashed by yourselves. Possibilities are the seeds of progress. They challenge us to think beyond the ordinary, to innovate, to imagine, and to explore the uncharted territories of our potential. When we believe in the power of possibility, we empower ourselves to transcend barriers, to shatter glass ceilings, and to achieve what once seemed insurmountable. There is an old proverb that says, “If there be righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character. If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. When there is order in each nation, there will be peace in the world.” Now the big question is: How do we inculcate the righteousness in the heart to kick start all the other things in that above quote and start the chain reaction? In my opinion, it starts at two sources both interlinked and dependent on each other and cannot be separated in the task – at home and at school. So, whilst admittedly we cannot truly control what happens in the home, what I can promise all sitting here today is that from Kearsney’s side, we endeavour to do our utmost by you gentlemen of the College and to fulfil our obligations to help you all find yourselves, the best of yourselves, provide as many options and opportunities as you desire, in order to ignite your mind with thoughts and grow wings to fly and soar to new heights. Teaching is the most optimistic of occupations. We have no way of looking, as Banquo says to Macbeth, “into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not.” But, we put the world before our students and challenge them to make it theirs. A teacher’s obligation

5 4 is to provide his or her students with means, not ends. We provide opportunities for them, offer them a dash of enthusiasm and a pinch of good humour, with the hope that their imaginations can feast upon the banquet. Ann Landers, a child nurse who wrote for the Chicago Sun in 1941 said, “It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.” Curricula may have changed throughout the decades, but great teachers are still great teachers because of how they teach. A good school must strive to offer it all or perish trying. We can never hope to offer enough to satisfy the voracious intellectual appetites of our student body. Instead, we are destined to seek out and implement the best practices in education and roll that particular boulder up the hill forever. At Kearsney, we take on this eternal task eagerly – and have done so for over a century. We will continue to strive to serve up the best in academic, arts, music, culture and sporting programmes, and blend it in with our ongoing commitment to building good young men of character and love. Young men who will seize the day – Carpe Diem! Thanks to Staff, Board and Parents’ Society At this point I would like to thank the wonderful staff that we have here. Your professionalism, dedication and support you give daily is astounding and so appreciated. You do so much to develop the beauty in the character of our students. Thank you, too, to my deputies and the Management Team. Thank you for your support, for challenging me, for your tireless work, but most of all for your friendship. To the Admin Staff, what an asset you are to Kearsney - thank you for everything you do in such a calm and efficient way. To Pearl McCluskey, my PA, I cannot thank you enough for your unprecedented support and guidance. Your grace and professionalism are unparalleled. I would also like to thank Catherine Mowat our Commercial Director for her support and guidance. Your unprecedented commitment to Kearsney and your calm and measured demeanour is unrivalled and so appreciated. To Mr Ian Bamber and the Board of Kearsney College, Mr Dave Polkinghorne and the Trust, thank you for your astute leadership, wise counsel and tireless commitment to the College. To Lauren Calenborne and the Parents’ Society, what a hardworking team - the thankless work you do to support the school is world class and just amazing. Thank you for playing a significant role in providing harmony and beauty to our whole community and bridging our parent and school communities seamlessly. I would also like to thank our chaplain, Reverend Kym Bishop. Your support and spiritual guidance is so comforting and valued. No matter what the time or occasion is, you are always there to offer prayers and support - thank you. Kearsney is a well-oiled machine, but it is only so because of an incredible support team. Thank you to Cliff Hunter and his Estates Staff, Sigrid Ceronio and Justin de Beer and the Kitchen Staff, Fiona Prinsloo, and the Functions and Cleaning Staff. Thanks to the Boys of the College Finally, to Sim Mkhize and Devahn van der Walt, our wonderful 2023 Head and Deputy Head of School. I have so enjoyed working with you both this year. Your mature leadership, passion for the College and care for your fellow man is humbling. Thank you for a fantastic year – thank you for being brave at times and for letting us look at how we can continue to improve our school. I look forward to seeing you both succeed in the years to come as you continue your life’s journey. Farewells Doors open and doors shut and that’s life… but sadly, two teachers left us during the year, both to emigration. Pierre Le Roux took up a post at Hamilton Boys in New Zealand, and Ndumiso Makhathini has gone to the UAE. Steven Edwards leaves us to go to Australia at the end of the year. We thank them all for their service to Kearsney and wish them and their families all the best. Tonight, I stand before you with an exhilarating sense of anticipation for the journey that lies ahead for Kearsney College. The road ahead is brimming with excitement, promise, and a profound commitment to our mission of nurturing outstanding young individuals. It is a road full of possibilities. Strategic Planning Our recent strategic planning is complete and will become our constant GPS, a guide leading us towards an even brighter future. It represents our vision, a vision that places the boy experience and the holistic growth of everyone at its very core. Some of the key objectives to come out of the planning were: The optimal size of our Boarding Houses - a critical discussion aimed at enhancing the student experience and pastoral care. This is a step towards creating a more intimate, nurturing environment where boys can flourish and forge lasting bonds. A focus on specialisation - enhancing academic teaching and sports coaching. We can no longer only have Jacks of all Trades. Through this focus, we will strive to provide specialised guidance that caters to individual talents and abilities, enabling our boys to achieve academic, cultural, and sporting excellence. Academic focus - We need to identify academic focus areas that align seamlessly with our commitment to delivering excellence. By zoning in on these areas, we aim to bolster our academic prowess, ensure our boys receive the best possible education, and prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow. Sustainability — an imperative for our time. Instilling environmental consciousness among our community is a responsibility we wholeheartedly embrace. We aim to inspire every boy, staff member, and stakeholder to adopt sustainable practices, nurturing a better world for all. Old Boys - The growth of our Old Boy network is crucial. It’s about cherishing our past, connecting with our alumni, and harnessing their experiences and expertise to enrich the Kearsney experience for present and future boys. It’s about building a legacy that stands the test of time. Staff Well-being - Finally, we cannot overlook the importance of ensuring staff well-being. Our staff plays a pivotal role in the success of our school, and their well-being is paramount. Holistic support measures need to be put in place, recognising their dedication and hard work and valuing their role in shaping our institution. Our school has been a nurturing ground for countless success stories, a place where possibilities have been recognised, nurtured, and celebrated. It’s where dreams take flight, passions are ignited, and character is forged. As we honour our boys’ achievements today, we celebrate their courage to embrace the endless spectrum of possibilities before them. In conclusion, the road ahead is one of immense potential. It’s about nurturing an environment where every individual can thrive, embracing change, progress, and sustainability, cherishing our history while shaping a future that is bright, progressive, promising, and enriching for all. And so, my challenge to you all tonight is to be righteous in the heart, so that there will be beauty in our characters, harmony in the home, order in the nation and peace in the world.” And all that is left to be said of my first year is, “it’s been real.” Mr Patrick Lees Headmaster Left: Guest of honour, Dr Cardo, Dux Scholar Anesu Chimusoro, runner-up to Dux Nthato Sifumba and Headmaster, Mr Lees.

7 6 Departing Staff Members Academic staff Steven Edwards (KCOB 2006, HOD Life Orientation) will leave us at the end of the year to go to Australia with his family. Steven served the College for four years. Brad Savage-Reid (Mathematics) took up a post at St Mary’s after four years at Kearsney. Ndumiso Makhathini (English) left for the UAE in August, having served since April 2021. Pierre Le Roux (Mathematics and MIC Aquatics) took up a post at Hamilton Boys in New Zealand after three terms at the College. Non-academic staff Zinhle Msomi and Sandra Thorpe both served in the library, Zinhle for five years, and Sandra in a temporary role for two and a half years. During her nine months at the College, Londiwe Ndimande positively impacted the Estates department. We thank them all for their service to Kearsney College and wish them and their families all the best. Steven Edwards Brad Savage-Reid KEARSNEY COLLEGE TRUSTEES Chairman: Mr D A Polkinghorne Nominated Members Mr G N Coppin Rev P Crundwell Mr R H Lloyd Mr P D Morgan Mr A Parsons Mrs K Tocknell-Brown Honorary Life Trustees Mr E S C Garner Mr N Gerber Dr G W Shuker Ex Officio Members The Presiding Bishop: Rev. P Malinga - Representing the Methodist Church of SA Chairman of the Board: Mr I Bamber Trust Secretary - Commercial Director: Ms C Mowat BOARD OF GOVERNORS Chairman: Mr I Bamber Nominated Members Mr M Gouveia Mr M Jackson Mr A Kenny (Board of Governors, 2014 – 2023) Dr M Marshall Mr L Polkinghorne (retired in Term 2) Mr N Ramodibedi Mrs T Soni (served from Term 3) Prof. C Sutherland Ex Officio Members The Presiding Bishop: Rev. P Malinga - Representing the Methodist Church of SA Bishop Natal Coastal District: Rev. L Mandindi Representative of Natal Coastal District of Methodist Church: Ms I van der Walt Chairman of the Trustees: Mr D Polkinghorne President of Kearsney College Old Boys: Mr W Radford Kearsney College Old Boys’ Rep: Mr L Polkinghorne Parents’ Society Rep: Chair, Mrs L Calenborne Attendees Headmaster: Mr P Lees Commercial Director: Ms C Mowat Minute Secretary: Mrs P McCluskey The Kearsney College community were deeply saddened to learn about the passing of Mr Andrew Kenny, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governers and Chairman of the Finance Committee, on the evening of 19 August 2023. While not a Kearsney Old Boy himself, Andrew is remembered and honoured as a true Kearsney gentleman, whose service to and passion for the College continued well after his sons, James and Oliver, matriculated from Kearsney in 2017 and 2019 respectively. Andrew was a successful and respected businessman, and Kearsney benefited greatly from his wisdom, business acumen and strategic vision during his ten years of selfless service on the Kearsney Board and Finance Committee. First and foremost, Andrew was a loving and devoted father and husband. Our deepest condolences go to Amanda, James and Oliver and the extended Kenny family. He will be sorely missed. Tribute to Andrew Kenny

9 8 Academic Staff Mr P Lees BA BEd (Hons) PGCE Headmaster Mr P Kirsten BSc HDE FDE Senior Deputy Head / Mathematics Mrs V Govender BEd (Hons) Deputy Head (Academics) / Mathematics Mr A Willows BSc HDE Deputy Head (Discipline) / Head of Houses /Mathematics Mr F Q Zungu B Soc Sci (Hons) Deputy Head (Student Affairs) / isiZulu Mr W Amos BA (Hons) HDE Geography Mr M Ancillotti BSc HDE HOD Mathematics Ms N Arndt BA (Ed) English Mr M Badenhorst BA (Ed) Housemaster, Haley / Mathematics / Afrikaans Mr J Beaumont BA (Hons) HDE MIC Discipline / English / History Rev. K Bishop MTh PGCE Chaplain Mr T Boyce B Ed Geography Mr J Brolin M Mus HOD Music (subject) Mrs S Cairns HDE HOD Afrikaans Ms K-J Coleman M Soc Sci School Counsellor Mrs J Curtiss BA HDE HOD English Mr M Delport HDE FDE EGD Mrs R du Plessis BSc PGCE Grade Head Grade 8 / HOD Mandarin / Mathematics Mr S Edwards BEd (Hons) PGCE HOD Life Orientation Mrs C Elliott MSc PGCE HOD Information Technology / International Exchange Programme Ms D Fihlela BSc PGCE Life Sciences / Life Orientation Ms A Fripp BCom HDE FDE ACE Director of Clubs and Culture / Business Studies Mr D Sookdeo BSc (Hons) PGCE Life Sciences Mr S Green BEd (FET) Housemaster, Pembroke / Mathematics Mrs J Hicks M Tech PGCE HOD Visual Arts Mrs S Hotz BSc PGCE Mathematics Mr A Kemp B Ed HMS Business studies / EMS (Part time) Mr B Krüger M Mus, LRSM UPLM PG Cert Director of Music Mr D Langley BPrac Mus (Hons) PGCE Piano Studies / Accompanist Mr P le Roux B Com PGCE Mathematics Mr D Macdonald BSc (Hons) HDE HOD Life Sciences Mr N Mahabeer Bed English, Life Orientation Mr S Main HDE Physical Sciences Mr N Makhathini BA PGCE English Mr W Marsden HDE HOD Business Studies Mr D Moodley HDE HOD EGD Mr A Morgan BA (Hons) PGCE Grade Head Grade 11 / English Mr S Mtshali BEd isiZulu Mrs S Murray BSc (Hons) HDE HOD Physical Sciences Mr B Ndaba B Paed, PGDPI HOD isiZulu Mr S Ngema B Com (Hons) LLB PGCE English Mr K Ngema B Ed (Hons) History Mr N Nkabinde B Ed (Hons) Mathematics / Physical Sciences Mr N Peacock BA (Hons) HDE HOD History Mr S Pietersen BA (Hons) Afrikaans ACADEMIC STAFF Back row (L-R): M Delport, N Peacock, N van Heerden, A Ryan, A Morgan, D Moodley 6th row: T Boyce, P Le Roux, D Macdonald, J Beaumont, B Steyn, B Savage-Reid, D Sookdeo, B Krüger 5th row: S Ngema, B Pietersen, J du Preez, M Savage, N Makhathini, M Saville, H van Ellewee, B Thompson, J Brolin, K Ngema, E Stockil-Smith 4th row: L van As, J Robinson, S Edwards, S Joubert, N Nkabinde, C Vermeulen, D Langley, A van Zyl, W Marsden, S Main 3rd Row: B Ndaba, S Cairns, A Kemp, Y Sotshangane, W Amos, A Fripp, M Ancillotti, S Mtshali, V Sookdavu, J Saayman, J Hicks 2nd row: D Fihlela, U Singh, R Archary, M Venter, N Arndt, S Hotz, C Elliott, K-J Coleman, A Duma, S Murray, R du Plessis, J Curtiss Front row: M Badenhorst, J Waldburger, A Prinsloo, M Zungu, P Kirsten, P Lees, A Willows, V Govender, S Green, N Mahabeer, K Bishop Mr A Prinsloo HDE Housemaster, Gillingham / Mathematics Mr J Robinson BA HMS Geography Mr A Ryan BA (Hons) PGCE English Mr M Savage BEd HOD Geography Mr B Savage-Reid BSc PGCE Mathematics Mr M Saville B Journ (Hons) PGCE Grade Head Grade 10 / English Ms U Singh B Paed, BA (Hons) HOD Dramatic Arts Mr V Sookdavu B Ed EGD Mr D Sookdeo BSc (Hons) PGCE Life Sciences Mr B Steyn BCom HDE Director of Rugby / Accounting Mrs E Stockil-Smith MA PGCE Dramatic Arts / English Mr B Thompson HDE SecEd FDE ACE Grade Head Grade 9 /Physical Sciences Mr H van Ellewee BEd (Hons) HDE FDE Afrikaans Mr N van Heerden BEd Dayboy Co-ordinator / Afrikaans Mr A van Zyl BA HDE Grade Head Grade 12 / Afrikaans Mrs M Venter Bed Psych (Hons) Inclusion Programme / Academic Support Mrs C Vermeulen HDE MEd HOD Accounting Mr J Waldburger BA PGCE Housemaster, Finningley / History

11 10 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Back row (L-R): Sharon Rogers, Cindi Polzi, Chantal Callaghan, Hannah Shirley, Jaggar Virasamy, Monica Davison 3rd row: Vumo Kunene, Blessing Mngadi, Jo-Anne George, Val Dixon, Luckmore Mawuye, Sithando Nkosi, Zinhle Msomi, Thandeka Ngobese, Anna Bowden, Kathy Andrews, Heather Pearse 2nd row: Tilly Kistensamy, Europa Ngubvane, Brigette Oakes, Ravitha Pillay, Kerry Kidwell, Jesmica Lankesar, Thembeka Mbava, Sine Ndlovu Front row: Cheryl Gaughran, Catherine Mowat, Waylon Murray, Patrick Lees, Robert Carpenter, Shantell van Jaarsveld, Pearl McCluskey Administrative Staff Sister Kathryn Andrews San Sister Mrs Anna Bowden Accountant Mr Robert Carpenter Marketing Director Ms Monica Davidson Foundation Co-ordinator Mrs Val Dixon Resource Manager Mrs Cheryl Gaughran Shop Manager Sister Jo-Anne George San Sister Mrs Chantal Callaghan Alumni Relations Coordinator Miss Kerry Kidwell Debt Controller Mrs Tilly Kistensamy Lab Assistant: Science Mr Vuma Kunene IT Assistant Mrs Jesmica Lankesar Finance Assistant Mr Luckmore Mawuye Software Manager Ms Sinegugu Ndlovu Marketing Assistant Ms Thandeka Ngobese Assistant Bursar Mr Sithando Nkosi Sports Office Administrator Sister Thembeka Mbava San Sister Mrs Pearl McCluskey Executive Secretary Mr Blessing Mngadi IT and Printing Assistant Ms Catherine Mowat Commercial Director Ms Zinhle Msomi Resource Centre Manager Mr Waylon Murray Sports Director Ms Europa Ngubane Receptionist Ms Brigette Oakes Music Dept Secretary Ms Heather Pearse Communications Manager Mrs Thaloshney Pelzer Lab Assistant: Life Sciences Mrs Ravitha Pillay Shop Assistant Mrs Cindi Polzi Admissions Officer Mrs Sharon Rogers Shop Assistant Miss Hannah Shirley Digital Content Creator Mrs Sandra Thorpe Resource Centre Mentor Mrs Shantell van Jaarsveld Foundation Director Mr Jagger Virasamy IT Manager ESTATES STAFF Back row (L-R): Doctor Zikhali, Alfred Magidla, Chris Nzimande, Emmanuel Mdlalose, Sydney Ngcobo Middle row: Joseph Mzulwini, Isreal Bengu, Zeblon Zondi, Ntobeko Mxabo, Londiwe Ndimande Front row: Fiona Prinsloo, Wiseman Ngwane, Cliff Hunter, Patrick Lees, Chantelle Fletcher, Robert Langlois Estates Staff Mr Isreal Bhengu Maintenance Team Ms Chantelle Fletcher Estates Office Manager Mr Cliff Hunter Facilities Manager Mr Robert Langlois Facilities: Maintenance Manager Mr Emmanuel Mdlalose Driver Mrs Sharon Mohan Facilities: Greyhound Mr Ntobeko Mxabo Maintenance Team Mr Joseph Mzulwini Maintenance Team Mr Sydney Ngcobo Driver Mr Wiseman Ngwane Transport Manager Mr Christopher Nzimande Maintenance Team Mrs Fiona Prinsloo Campus Co-ordinator Mr Doctor Zikhali Driver Mr Zeblon Zondi Maintenance Team

13 “One Day or Day One. You Decide.” To the Headmaster, Dr Cardo, Mr Bamber, invited guests, parents, staff and boys of the College. The words above come from the pen of the acclaimed writer Paulo Coelho. Who could imagine that two small and insignificant words like ‘one’ and ‘day’ could turn into such profound wisdom and that these two little words could actually shape one's entire outlook on life? “One Day or Day One. You Decide.” How are you living YOUR life? Do you keep delaying your goals, waiting for ONE DAY in the hope that they realise? Or, are you taking charge of your own destiny and seeing today as DAY ONE – the start of something new, the possibility of a happy and successful future? We all have to make that choice… Carpe Diem – we know this as the motto of our beloved Kearsney. So, if we have learnt anything along the way, it is that ONE DAY is not an option for a Kearsney boy. For us, every day is DAY ONE. Our journey in this extraordinary place has, no doubt, taken an interesting route, one that, although more confusing and often frustrating, has left us more experienced and taught us what really matters to us as Kearsney boys. Although we may have forgotten about some of the massive detours, we had in this journey like Covid-19 and the problems it brought with it, we must never forget the valuable lessons we learned along the way. To think that the Matric group of 2023 was in Grade 9 during that difficult time and remember the devastation of the unrest in our country just a year later, which also caused even more disruption in our lives, is still hard to believe. For me, though, this serves as a reminder of just how far we’ve come. Additionally, the wonderful staff members of this school have played many roles for the gentlemen of the College. I can say that personally, some staff members have played father- or mother-figures for me in my time when I lived on campus as a boarder. They were able to guide me and assist me when I needed help. These staff members were my housemasters, coaches and the heads of clubs and societies. It goes without saying that the least I can do on behalf of my grade is say “Thank you”. To our support system, the ground staff, cleaning staff, kitchen staff, laundry staff, San sisters, admin and teaching staff as well as the board and the trustees, I thank you. Some families may not have a father-figure or mother-figure, and some of my Kearsney brothers come from homes with separated parents and challenging family circumstances. But every Kearsney boy in this room, these gentlemen with whom I have grown up over the past five years, has shown so much strength and courage, regardless of what they have been experiencing in their lives. In life, I have learned that we never know the struggles of another person, and we will never know the story of someone else unless we take the time to get to know more about them. I thank my prefect body for being true leaders and for making my life a lot easier this year. You gentlemen have been a good example constantly and have been an older brother for the younger gentlemen when needed. As I said at the beginning of the year, we are all here because of the sacrifice of someone else behind the scenes. I want to thank everyone who has given up so much to send their son to Kearsney because if it wasn’t for people like you, I wouldn’t have gotten to know your son, and for that, I must thank you too. To my own parents, I want to thank you for working tirelessly and sacrificing so much to keep me at Kearsney and for dealing with me and my teenage nonsense for all these years. You have done so much for my brother and me and have helped me become the man I am becoming. From this Kearsney journey, the most important lesson I have learned is the lesson of Perseverance. The definition of perseverance is the persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. This evening we get to see the hard work of these individuals pay off. They have all put in so much work to reach their goals and deserve every bit of the recognition they Class of 2023 Headboy’s speech - Speech Night September 2023 GRADE 12 CLASS OF 2023 Back row (L-R): Nthato Sifumba (G), Thomas Hulse (G), Njabulo Ngcobo (S), Jacques Nel (G), Benjamin Livesey (F), Sean Diseko (S), Tiaan Steyn (P), Brett Parkinson (P), James Drysdale (P), Blessings Chiluba (F) 7th row: Gabe Delport (G), StJohn Vallance (G), Tom Larson (P), Jack Rankin (G), Joshua Wise (S), Zhouhao Zhang (S), Alex Gordon (P), Stephen Kruger (S), Siyen Gounden (P), Adam Zeiler (S), Adam Hatty (F), Salusiwe Mqobongo (F), Roderick Tayler (G), Aidan Albrecht (G), Okuhle Khupe (G) 6th row: Seth Scorer (S), Thomas Godwin (G), Harvey Millard (G), Andile Nomvete (G), Andrew Aspinall (F), Levi Wilcox (P), Riku Boshoff (S), Seth Abrahams (F), James Engelbrecht (G), Connor Mills (G), Jordan Boyd (G), Callam Currin (F), Neo Scott (G), Mihlali Sigonyela (S), Sani Sawuti (S), Abdul Mahomed (G), Solethu Mdladla (S) 5th row: Samuel Schmitz (F), Ross McClelland (S), Eric Anderson (F), Kieran Pearton (F), James Radford (F), James Francke (P), Troye Schulz (F), Luc Jonker (S), Ryan Taylor (P), Jaryd Savic (S), Ethan McCormick (F), Jua van Wyk (S), Ethan Marnitz (S), Nicholas Butler (F), Ross Williams (S), Ethan Reay (F), Thando Sithole (G), Bonga Mbhele (F) 4th row: Junior Dlamini (F), Asavela Mfazwe (F), Dylan van Tonder (S), Thomas Hurley (G), Reuel Jagarnath (P), Christopher Mace (P), LiPuma Mthethwa (P), Zipho Cele (F), Marcus Scheepers (P), Mawande Mnqayi (S), Sheyn le Roux (F), Jadon Moodley (P), Callum McCrae (G), Rocco Klomfass (F), Lethokuhle Ngidi (S), Mandisi Mseleku (S), Likhona Nunwana (G) 3rd row: Lihle Maqhugula (G), Caleb Saks (F), Kamva Khamba (P), Aaron Osborn (F), Nala Madlala (P), Phiwenhle Chonco (G), Lwandile Khoza (S), Jarred Christie (P), David Pohl (P), Guy Roberts (F), Ryan Denekamp (F), Ruschay Govender (P), Dan Riceman (S), Anesu Chimusoro (S), Motheo Nkadimeng (F), Nhlendla Zulu (G), Maano Setimela (S), Sachin Bhagwan (P) 2nd row: Kyle Pottinger (P), Zibusiso Ngobese (P), Zweli Sibanyoni (F), Dominic Hislop (G), Michael de Beer (G), Otsile Ntsele (F), Dhiyarv Govender (F), Oliver Brazier (G), Ross Phillips (P), Matthew Rix (S), Hayden Davel (F), Fritz Rheeder (G), Liam Jansen van Rensburg (S), James Gillespie (S), Matt Langeland-Hansen (F), Chad Croshaw (G), Francois Snyman (F) Front row: Siso France (S), Ethan Groom (G), Ethan Williams (S), Hayden Bishop (P), Asande Nyawose (S), Mr Patrick Lees, Simthembile Mkhize (F), Devahn van der Walt (G), Mr André van Zyl, Luca Veronesi (P), Sange Mdunyelwa (F), Dylan Wiggett (G), Esihle Mfeka (G) (House shown in brackets)

15 14 get tonight. For many people who just missed their goals or didn’t get the symbol they wanted, do not let these results define you; let them motivate you. For the people who put in the early morning training and are up late at night working and may just have missed what they were aiming for, keep going; everything is hard before it gets easy. One of the other things that I have realised in my time here is that an honours blazer, a special scarf, and a special tie are symbolic of outstanding achievements and represent the hard work and dedication of those who achieve them, but they can never replace the things that matter most: relationships. During the first week of August, I woke up and told myself that that week's word was “opportunity”. This was just days before my Trials examination began and now, when I look back, that word of the week has become my word of encouragement for the rest of this year. There will always be ups and downs in life, but there will also be opportunities whenever we are at the top or the bottom. All we must remember is that ONE DAY is a myth, but DAY ONE is right here – and it is waiting for us… Thank you to everyone involved in our academic journey. We get to gather in celebration of all our hard work, which has finally paid off. This gathering is one that we look forward to every year, and I thank everyone involved with organising this evening so that it could be a possibility. Carpe Diem. Simthembile Mkhize Head Prefect Deputy Head Prefect, Devahn van der Walt, Headmaster, Mr Patrick Lees and Head Prefect, Simthembile Mkhize Speech Night and Grade 12 Prize Giving Academic Colours Gabriel Delport Otsile Ntsele Reuel Jagarnath Kieran Pearton Kyle Pottinger Devahn van der Walt Jordan Boyd Ruschay Govender Kamva Khamba Ethan Marnitz Aidan Albrecht Academic Colours and the Hindson Memorial Prize for English Literature (shared) Ryan Denekamp Academic Colours and the Alletson-Smith Shield for Mathematics James Engelbrecht Academic Honours Ethan Groom Oliver Brazier Sean Diseko Thomas Hurley Hayden Bishop Dominic Hislop Jacques Nel Seth Abrahams Sange Mdunyelwa Hayden Davel Academic Honours and the Life Orientation Prize (shared) Nicholas Butler Academic Honours and the William Crawford Prize for History (shared) LiPuma Mthethwa Academic Honours, the William Crawford Prize for History (shared) and the Max Oram History Essay Prize Nala Madlala Academic Honours and the Engineering Graphics and Design Prize Sachin Bhagwan Academic Honours and the Visual Arts Prize Jarred Christie Academic Honours, the Life Orientation Prize (shared), the Dramatic Arts Prize and the trophy for exceptional achievement in the practical discipline Lwandile Khoza Academic Honours, the Music Prize, the Margarette and Richard Best Trophy for musical competence and the Peter Metcalf Trophy for Resourcefulness and Initiative Caleb Saks Academic Honours and the Gait Trophy for the best all-rounder in the 6th Form Dylan Wiggett Academic Honours Cum Laude Fritz Rheeder Academic Honours Cum Laude, the William and Susan Jones Prize for English, the George McLeod English Essay Prize, the Jan Storm Prize for Afrikaans, the Mandarin Prize and the Geography Prize Liam Jansen van Rensburg Academic Honours Cum Laude, the Business Studies Prize, the Information Technology Prize, the Further Studies Mathematics Prize and the Parry Trophy for Proxime Accessit to Dux Nthato Sifumba Academic Honours Cum Laude, the Hindson Memorial Prize for English Literature (shared), the Accounting Prize, the Ben Milner Prize for Biology, the Patrick Moore Sield and the John Kinloch Prize for Physical Science, the Colin Silcock Prize and the Tim Browne Trophy for Dux of the School Anesu Chimusoro The Grant Greenberg Trophy for achievement in the Creative Arts Francois Snyman The McKenzie Trophy for Perseverance Sheyn le Roux The S B Theunissen Memorial Trophy Matthew Langeland-Hansen The Ambassadors Trophy Simthembile Mkhize The Edwin Henwood Trophy and the isiZulu Prize Asande Nyawose The Mathematical Literacy Prize Brandon McCrae The Art Trophy for exceptional achievement in the practical discipline Riku Boshoff The following awards were made: Grade 12 Award Winners 2023

17 16 This year, the class of 2023 was in a very fortunate position of having been given the school from the class of 2022 with a great foundation that had been set. The class of 2023 had to reignite a spark that had been missing in the school over the past few years due to the many unfortunate circumstances faced across the globe that had affected many aspects of our lives, including the camaraderie of our school. The class of 2023 believed that along with the concept of respect, the school needed to uphold its values closely in order to function, and this was achieved with the help of the prefects of 2023 constantly striving to make the school great by fulfilling their roles and doing their duties. The goals of 2023 were to reunite the boys to restore the brotherhood, be aware of other people’s mental well-being, appreciate all aspects of the college, respect the traditions that gave Kearsney its identity and reignite passion in the College. We believe that the goals set were accomplished, and this would not have been a possibility if it was not for the assistance of Mr Willows, who constantly helped the prefect body throughout the year with his constant updates and his fight to keep the traditions and values of what makes Kearsney the school it is today. As a prefect body, we knew the importance of helping our new headmaster, Mr Lees, to have a smooth transition into Kearsney and to give him a warm welcome to the College and to show him the ins and outs of what it means to be a Kearsney boy. We thank Mr Lees for being a phenomenal leader and commend him on a wonderful first year. A special thank you must go to the prefect body for being true leaders and for making my life a lot easier this year. You gentlemen have been a good example constantly and have been an older brother for the younger gentlemen of the college when needed. Thank you. Simthembile Mkhize Head Prefect Kearsney College Prefects Kearsney College Council The Kearsney College Council (KCC) is an important group that represents the voice of boys of Kearsney College. Recognised for its role in fostering the ideals of the college, promoting student welfare, acting as a liaison, and interacting with other school bodies, the KCC has demonstrated commendable performance in fulfilling its duties. One of the primary functions of the KCC is to uphold the principles and ideals of Kearsney College. As an institution known for its commitment to academic excellence, personal growth, and social responsibility, the KCC must embody and promote these values. The council achieves this by having initiatives that align with the College's mission, such as charity drives, community service projects, and awareness campaigns. Through these efforts, the KCC actively encourages the student body to embrace the college's core values and develop a sense of pride in their school. Another crucial responsibility of the KCC is to prioritise pupil welfare. The council recognises the importance of creating a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment for all students. To achieve this, the KCC collaborates with various stakeholders, including staff, parents, and fellow students, to address concerns, improve policies, and implement effective support systems. By actively listening to student feedback and advocating for their needs, the KCC ensures that the voices and wellbeing of Kearsney College boys are always given due consideration. Furthermore, the KCC is a liaison between the student body and the college administration. This role is crucial in maintaining a strong partnership and fostering effective communication between these two entities. Through regular meetings, consultations, and open forums, the KCC actively engages with college leaders, sharing student perspectives, concerns, and suggestions. This interaction enhances transparency and fosters a collaborative environment where students feel that they have a stake in the decision-making processes of the college. In addition to their internal responsibilities, the KCC also strives to interact with other school bodies where PREFECTS KEARSNEY COLLEGE COUNCIL Back row (L-R): Matthew Lamplough, LiPuma Mthethwa, Solethu Mdladla, Nthato Sifumba, Adam Zeiler, Anele Cele, Jason Denekamp, Esihle Mfeka Middle row: Lihle Maqhugula, Maano Setimela, Keanu Williamson, Caleb Saks, Joshua Griffiths, Ndabenhle Mkhize, Ethan Williams Front row: Simthembile Mkhize, Mr Manzini Zungu, Ethan Groom, Jordan Boyd, Mr Patrick Lees, Devahn van der Walt Back row (L-R): Otsile Ntsele, Hayden Davel, Ross Phillips, Oliver Brazier, Matthew Rix, Dhiyarv Govender 3rd row: Liam Jansen van Rensburg, Jarred Christie, Daivid Pohl, Fritz Rheeder, Ryan Denekamp, Guy Roberts, Michael de Beer, Dominic Hislop 2nd row: Francois Snyman, Chad Croshaw, Matt Langeland-Hansen, Zibusiso Ngobese, James Gillespie, Zweli Sibanyoni, Kyle Pottinger, Siso France Front row: Hayden Bishop, Dylan Wiggett, Devahn van der Walt, Mr Patrick Lees, Simthembile Mkhize, Mr Anthony Willows, Asande Nyawose, Sange Mdunyelwa, Luca Veronesi

19 18 possible. KCC has been the driver of community service in collaboration with other schools. This year, the focus was adopting an orphan, where boys of the college will buy the uniform for an orphan child and help with homework and university application. Recognising the importance of building relationships within the wider community, the council actively seeks opportunities to engage with other schools, organisations, and governmental bodies. These interactions may include friendly sporting fixtures, joint community service projects, or collaborating on educational initiatives. By participating in these activities, the KCC plays a vital role in fostering a sense of unity, camaraderie, and mutual respect among the wider educational community. Overall, the Kearsney College Council has demonstrated excellence in fulfilling its duties. By embodying the ideals of the college, promoting student welfare, acting as a liaison, and interacting with other school bodies, the KCC actively contributes to the growth and development of Kearsney College and its students. Through their tireless efforts, the council members inspire their peers to embrace the College's values while advocating for their rights and well-being. With such a dedicated and effective council, Kearsney College can continue to thrive as a beacon of academic excellence and personal growth in its community. In closing, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the head of school, Mr Simthembile Mkhize, and the deputy head boy, Mr. Devahn van der Walt, who were pillars of strength in supporting and guiding this body for the needs of the College and with the manner of approach and giving feedback to our constituencies. The success of our KKC was due to teamwork, which brought new diverse ideas. It was easy to solve problems, and brainstorming allowed the team to exchange ideas and come up with creative ways of doing things, work together in finding solutions, working towards a common goal; it gave the team morale. Each team member had something special to offer ranging from Chairman to a grade 9 representative. The council will continue to grow, reach greater heights, and ensure that the College’s traditions are upheld and respected. Mr Manzini Zungu Deputy Head: In Charge of KCC PORTFOLIOS 2023 Chairman: Ethan Groom Vice Chairman: Jordan Boyd Imbizo Chairman: Ethan Williams Imbizo Deputy Chairman: Lihle Maqhugula Head of Chapel: Esihle Mfeka Academic Rep: Nthato Sifumba Sport Rep: Adam Zeiler Cultural Rep: Caleb Saks Environmental Rep: Langa-Liphuma Mthethwa Boarding Rep: Maano Setimela Day boys Rep: Solethu Mdladla Grade 11 Rep: Anele Cele, Matthew Lamplough Grade 10 Rep: Ndabenhle Mkhize, Joshua Griffiths Grade 9 Rep: Keanu Williamson, Jason Denekamp Head boy: Simthembile Mkhize Deputy Head Boy: Devahn van der Walt The Imbizo is a platform and space established to foster discussions on transformation, diversity, identity, and inclusion. It has emerged as an essential avenue for addressing pertinent issues of prejudice and racial discrimination, particularly for young boys. Built on open dialogue and engagement, the Imbizo seeks to empower individuals to challenge the status quo and foster an inclusive, accepting and understanding society. In a world plagued by prejudice and racial discrimination, it becomes apparent that the need for a platform like Imbizo is dire. Imbizo understands that prejudices are often rooted in ignorance, fear, and a lack of exposure to different cultures and perspectives. By providing a safe space for boys to engage in discussions, Imbizo can address these issues head-on. Furthermore, these conversations are necessary for these young individuals' personal growth and development, shaping them into empathetic and compassionate citizens. Transformation, diversity, and inclusion are vital elements for the growth and prosperity of any modern society. The Imbizo recognises this and seeks to equip boys with the tools to navigate an increasingly diverse world. By facilitating discussions on these topics, the Imbizo empowers boys to challenge their own biases and prejudices, allowing them to broaden their horizons and understand the lived experiences of others. It forces them to interrogate their identity and encourages them to embrace and acknowledge the rich diversity of the world around them. The Imbizo has made a significant contribution to transformation in the College, as it has led to a review of regulations and policy through a transformation lens, and it has been part of developing an anti-racism policy. It also promotes and celebrates the diversity of cultures and identities of the boys in the college. It has worked hard to ensure that boys understand the different histories and contexts which shape the lives of the diverse boys who attend Kearsney College. Inherent in the Imbizo's mission is the recognition that racial discrimination stems from deeply ingrained societal structures and systems. By acknowledging this Imbizo KEARSNEY IMBIZO Back row (L-R): Yuvaan Arbee, Seth Abrahams, Siyen Gounden Middle row: Alwande Mbonambi, Solwazi Ngwane, Onalenna Nameng, Evan Powers, Lisu Khuzwayo, Qhawe Mdluli Front row: Riku Boshoff, Ethan Williams, Mr Manzini Zungu, Lihle Maqhugula, Stephen Kruger

20 reality, the Imbizo aims to dismantle these systems and promote equality and justice. The discussions that take place within this space allow boys to critically analyse the root causes of prejudice and racial discrimination, leading to the development of strategies to combat these issues. Through education and self-reflection, the Imbizo enables young boys to become advocates for change, challenging discriminatory practices wherever they may encounter them. One cannot underestimate the power of conversation and mutual understanding in effecting change. The Imbizo provides a platform where boys can learn from one another, share their experiences, and gain different perspectives. It encourages active listening, empathy, and respect for diverse opinions. By creating an environment where individuals feel valued and heard, the Imbizo fosters a sense of belonging and empowerment among its participants. The Imbizo made the point that everyone was not only represented but also felt valued, comfortable and welcomed. Boys must feel that they can voice their opinions without prejudice, and the Imbizo did that. Boys of the College, through Imbizo, could speak more openly about their sexual orientation and were also able to live more freely within their own identities. Imbizo acknowledges that there is still more work to be done on gender issues and gender-based violence and to continue to address issues of systemic inequality related to race. Ultimately, the Imbizo is more than just a platform for discussion; it catalyses social change. Imbizo provided a space where boys could engage in conversations about transformation, diversity, identity, and inclusion, the Imbizo empowered them to become agents of change in society. It equipped the boys of the College through dialogue with the knowledge and skills necessary to challenge prejudice and racial discrimination, fostering a more equal and just world for all. The impact of the Imbizo extended far beyond its participants. It influenced communities, institutions, and societal norms, ensuring that the fight against prejudice and racial discrimination remains at the forefront of social consciousness. In conclusion, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for the sterling job our chairman, Ethan Williams, has done leading the team. His dedication, commitment, and vision have been truly outstanding, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his exceptional leadership. Under his guidance, Imbizo has flourished and achieved remarkable success. His ability to inspire and motivate the entire team has increased productivity and innovation. His strategic thinking and decision-making skills have played a pivotal role in positioning Imbizo as a leader in providing an ear for the vulnerable and guiding the school community. Mr Manzini Zungu Deputy Head: In Charge of Imbizo Head Prefect’s Speech Good morning to the headmaster, staff, and boys of the College. The first Head of School who had to lead a cohort of boys at Kearsney College was a certain FW Hill, and this was in 1923. Now, one hundred years later, I stand here as the departing 100th Head of School, having had the honour and privilege of leading the boys of our beloved college through our final year on the hill. It also struck me when I realised that, in these last 100 years of Head Boys at Kearsney, I, Simthembile Ntsikelelo Mkhize, am only the 6th black man to have been given this title, and I am the first ever Mkhize to have his name engraved on the school’s Honours Board for this position. To make my realisation even more profound to me, and I am humbled to share this with you, my Kearsney brothers and the greater Kearsney family: I am the first person from my entire family to graduate from a private school, and I can’t even begin to describe how grateful I am to have called this special place my home for the last five years. The emotions run deeper than I could express from pen to paper. However, I can’t stand here and only talk about how sad I am to leave this place. Paulo Coelho, the famed Brazilian writer and philosopher wrote - “If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” Today, the class of 2023 sit in this Chapel under the spotlight of scrutiny but also the spotlight of expectation. Dear brothers whom I have grown up with for the past five years, we have to be brave to face the next chapter in our lives. Life has thrown all sorts of obstacles at us during our journey. The good and the bad have hit us along the way, but we walk away today with memories that only this group will cherish and be able to relate to. We came through those gates in 2019 not knowing what the future had in store. We experienced a different sort of Kearsney to what it is now, but today, we exit through those same gates with a different mindset. We came in as boys, but today, we leave as men with memories and experiences we will take with us, which will help us in our lives. Final Matric Assembly

22 Kearsney offers more than just an education. This institution offers you more than a place to take part in sports, a choir or even clubs and societies. Kearsney offers you the opportunity to be a part of something greater than yourself. You have to sit down and take time to process how much can be gained in your life just by being at Kearsney. But you can’t gain anything at this place unless you consciously decide to Seize the Day. To the boys of the College, I encourage you to work hard. Start working hard in everything you do – behind your books, on the sports field, on the stage, in your club, in the classroom, in the limelight, or behind the scenes. Work hard until you get to the point where working hard becomes the norm – your default standard. This is where you need to start developing good habits that will dictate how you live life in the future. I believe there is no school with such a balance and variety where every boy can find the place to shine and excel. We all know how busy Kearsney is, but so is life—the sooner you accept that, the easier it becomes to deal with it. So, get stuck in, join a new club next year, set your goal to make a higher team or improve your academic average, and be brave because brave people are often rewarded with unexpected success. I want to thank the staff of the College. We have not only been taught how to solve equations and how to write essays or deliver monologues. We have been taught how to be gentlemen, how to show empathy, how to be creative and innovative, how to think and reason, how to put others before ourselves, how to value friendship, camaraderie and brotherhood, and most of all, how to love and cherish our families and our God. Today, I leave with the brothers I met five years ago. Brothers who I have laughed with and cried with, brothers who have fought for me and for whom I have fought, brothers who I have lived with for five years but who will live in my mind and heart for the rest of my life. To Anele, Matthew, and the leadership for next year: Always maintain the high name and honour of your college with pride and dignity in all ways. By the nobility of your lives, set an example that others will strive to follow, and be loyal to the trust placed in you. Be worthy of your authority. Be true to yourself and your College. It says in Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him; and he will make your paths straight.” Do this with God being your helper and remember that you are not alone. To the boys of the College, I want you to live your life with no regrets and seize the day. Carpe diem. Simthembile Mkhize Head Prefect Watch the Matrics Final Day video by scanning this code.