
45 Sheffield House Head of House report Change. The biggest challenge faced by Sheffield House, 2023. Changes like a new Headmaster, a new housemaster, an entire revamp of the Sheffield bathrooms, new values being instilled, and many more. The thing about change is, if you cannot adapt, you will suffer. But not even change can stop the boys of Sheffield from thriving. The prefects, along with Mr Mahabeer and the rest of the duty staff, have looked to lead this house with God as our leader. Through daily devotions with the whole house, we have created an atmosphere of putting God first in this house and have truly strengthened the brotherhood, making it not ‘Sheffield House’, but ‘the Sheffield family’. Although, by numbers, we are the little brother of the four houses, we have constantly demonstrated our undying fighting spirit, giving the other houses headaches on the sports field, on the stage and in the classroom, finding ourselves victors in a few of the inter-house events. From my time as a Sheffield boy, and through listening to the stories of Sheffield Old Boys and their time at Kearsney, I have come to realise that there is one thing that separates Sheffield boys from the rest. Although things may not go our way we, as Sheffield boys, determine our happiness, not the situation. As many have seen at inter-house events, even when Sheffield is coming last, we are the house that stands out by bringing our everlasting energy to the stands to support our brothers. Mr Mahabeer, Mr Mtshali, Mr Ngema and Mr Nkabinde - I don’t think you understand how great the impact is that you have had in our lives this year. You have made sure throughout the year that we seek to be the best versions of ourselves and have constantly expanded our knowledge of what is out there in the real world. Words cannot explain how grateful we are for your sacrifices. Matrics of 2023, my brothers, thank you for the greatest five years of my life. Without you, this experience wouldn’t have been what it is, and for that I truly thank you. You gentlemen are people I know that I can always turn to for help and for a great time. Thank you, boys. Jarred van Staden, Head of House for 2024, and fellow prefects – boys, this is your time to leave your mark. Lead by example through all that you do and don’t forget to put God first, who will brighten up your way. You guys have been chosen for a reason, so make the most of it and do not change who you are. So, as I leave Sheffield House, I pray to God that my House sees another day. May God be with Sheffield always. Asande Nyawose Head of House