
67 66 Spirituality The school year began with a community chapel service, where the new headmaster was inducted by the Bishop of the Natal Coastal District, Bishop Mandindi. The Kearsney College school, Board and Trust communities gathered in worship for this event, reminding us of the central place our faith has here at Kearsney. The invitation for the year was to begin from a place of grace, of knowing ourselves already loved. And from this affirmation to live lives of love for others as Christ has loved us. Our weekly chapel services continued through the year, with themes covering The Armour of God, some of the difficult teachings of Jesus, people from the bible whose lives inspire our own and some foundational faith practices which equip us to live out our faith. A number of guest preachers shared the message in our service, and we particularly enjoyed hosting the Chaplains from Epworth and St Mary’s. We also journeyed through Lent and Advent as seasons that prepare us for the great mysteries of our faith stories. Our Head of Chapel for 2023, Esihle Mfeka, served with humility and faithfulness and inspired the boys of the College through his quiet wisdom and servant heart. As always, the singing remains a highlight for most of us in chapel, with the school learning a range of new songs as well as finding comfort in the familiar hymn. The Student Christian Association met weekly on Wednesdays in the chapel, and a range of speakers inspired, challenged and encouraged the boys in their journey of faith. The SCA committee worked incredibly hard, providing a strong lead and wonderful example under the guidance of Evan Powers – the head of SCA for 2023. It is a great joy to witness the boys ministering to each other through SCA and through the House cell groups, that also met weekly through the year. The Cell Group Leaders began the year with a weekend training retreat, and have served and grown so much through the year. The cell leaders and SCA Committee boys were also able to attend a number of inter-school Unity events, and Kearsney had the opportunity to host one this year. Connecting with other school Christian Fellowships is something we are looking to grow in the year ahead. We ran the Kairos Course through the second and third terms. This course explores some of the foundations of Christianity and is SCA COMMITTEE an opportunity for those exploring their faith, and looking to grow, to ask questions. The course is also part of the process of preparing for baptism and confirmation, and we had numbers of boys choosing to be confirmed in the Methodist, Anglican and Catholic Churches. It was such a privilege to hear these boys testify to their faith in Christ and how the process of Confirmation has strengthened that. The Moms Who Pray group have continued to meet each Monday morning and have faithfully upheld the school and extended community in prayer. In the classroom, we have continued to discuss a range of topics, from how and why to read the Bible, to why Justice matters to God and so should matter to us too. We have explored prayer, world religions, tools for self-reflection, as well as unpacked some of the foundations of Christianity. There have been a number of special services through the year, including the Grade 12 Leavers’ Service and Remembrance Day. Remembrance Week takes place in November and boys and staff had the opportunity to acknowledge that grief and gratitude have to coexist in our lives. The Remembrance Day Service is always a profound reminder of this. The Carol Services are always a highlight, with the Choir and Music team holding the services together. The Kearsney staff gathered for an end of year service, where together we gave thanks to God for all that God has done, and staff had the chance to share some of the ways God has been at work in their lives. Gathering as a whole Kearsney Community was a profound reminder that we belong to each other because we belong to God. It is with deep gratitude to God that we look back over the year that has past, trusting that God’s faithfulness to us will continue as we look ahead to the year that is to come. Esihle Mfeka Head of Chapel Back row (L-R): Kyle Berry, Mfundo Mthethwa, Simthembile Mkhize, Ndabenhle Mkhize, Joshua Griffiths, Lethukuthula Chonco Front row: Ryan Denekamp, Reverend Kym Bishop, Esihle Mfeka, Evan Powers, Mrs Sue Murray, Otsile Ntsele